View Full Version : think I have malignant Otis external having a panic attack

01-02-14, 19:41
Hi I need some reassaurance before I completely and utterly break down. I have bad ear pain when I move my head. The base of my skull hurts and I have a sore throat.

In a moment of madness I googled (I didn't think it was serious) and it has come up with malignant Otis external, something that infects the ear and bones of the base of the skull.

I am breaking down I have no wat of getting toba doctors, and genuinely believe more than ever that I am going to die. I am sobbing I need some reassurance please :(

01-02-14, 19:44
Please try and be calm - easier said than done I know!! My son has suffered with ear infections and several perforations and he has Glue ear now. He has bouts of pain where he is completely inconsolable and it horrible to watch. Get some painkillers in you and see how you go, if the pain persists you probably more than likely have a ear infection or even a sore throat which is causing pain in your ears, remember positive thinking. Big hugs xx

01-02-14, 19:53
Where do you all come up with such stuff? Good Lord! I never even heard of this! So I look it up and it's extremely rare, affects the elderly, diabetic or immune compromised individuals and sometimes can be contracted by swimming in polluted water. I don't think you fit any of those profiles. Take some aspirin and have a hot tea.... That'll be $50 please ;)

Positive thoughts

01-02-14, 20:10
No I don't, I must have missed that. Much more calm, you are quite possibly worth your weight in gold :-)

01-02-14, 22:00
Where do you all come up with such stuff? Good Lord! I never even heard of this! So I look it up and it's extremely rare,

Still doesn't beat one of my former main fears-jaw bone osteosarcoma, with 1:40000000 chances to catch one (osteosarcoma is fairly rare form of cancer+usually affects children+jaw onset is very rare:))).

To my defense, at least I had a lump to "prove" it :D

01-02-14, 22:59
I had a very bad ear infection a few years ago and both my eardrums perforated, the pain was horrendous, I literally couldn't do anything to ease it and I remember being on the phone to NHS direct literally begging them to let me take more painkillers as the paracetamol and ibruprofen didn't touch it.

I'm just trying to give you an idea of the pain involved with a bad ear and infection, so you know you shouldn't be be worrying about this and that's all mine was a bad ear infection, not one that had spread anywhere else.

My infection took three lots of antibiotics and drops to clear up and it really was horrible.

If (Which you certainly don't) you had an infection which had got so bad to the point it had spread to the base of your skull you'd know about it, the pain would be horrendous and you would feel terrible.

It sounds like you've got one of the horrible viruses doing the rounds and at worse you might have a mild ear infection and need a course of antibiotics.

Don't worry you'll be fine

02-02-14, 00:24
My goodness andrash I thought I had that too!!

02-02-14, 08:27
My goodness andrash I thought I had that too!!

Hahahaha, there you are :)

My fears are usually about very rare diseases in general. I dreaded pancreatic cancer (1:1000000 odds to get one), oesophageal cancer (similar odds), aforementioned Mr Osteosarcoma (1:40000000)...Fear about bulbar ALS (1:20000000 in my age) still creeps up from time to time...

And so, the life goes on :)

02-02-14, 16:14
Thankyou everyone, I was being completely ridiculous. Lesson #334 in not to Google!

I have toothache, jaw pain and intermittent pain in both ears and pain at the base of my head beneath my ears. I worry ridiculously about any infection as I worry about spreading to brain/blood. I'm worrying this is a tooth infection, but I've doing brilliantly for two weeks so going to try hop back on the wagon so to speak :)

02-02-14, 17:39
Thankyou everyone, I was being completely ridiculous. Lesson #334 in not to Google!

I have toothache, jaw pain and intermittent pain in both ears and pain at the base of my head beneath my ears. I worry ridiculously about any infection as I worry about spreading to brain/blood. I'm worrying this is a tooth infection, but I've doing brilliantly for two weeks so going to try hop back on the wagon so to speak :)

Go to your dentist and ask him/her about a thing called TMJ.

It's a classic ailment of anxiety sufferers-you probably clench/grind your teeth at night like crazy. Or even during the day when you're nervous/anxious/under stress.

02-02-14, 17:47
I agree with Andrash, I have TMJ problems and have had all the things you've described.

Chances are they'll give you a guard to wear during the night, I have one and I even wear mine during the day :)

Good luck!

02-02-14, 19:55
My dr has suggested tmj as a reason for my constant head/face/eye pain. However I don't grind my teeth, My jaw doesn't hurt to move etc just to touch.

My voice is croaky which is another symptom of this malignant ear infection malarkey, urgh surely I would be in severe pain?

02-02-14, 20:11
You would be in very servere pain.

I never knew that I clenched my teeth until my brother noticed me doing it in my sleep! TMJ can cause a sore throat also :)

There's no harm in at least checking with your dentist :)

02-02-14, 20:37
My dr has suggested tmj as a reason for my constant head/face/eye pain. However I don't grind my teeth, My jaw doesn't hurt to move etc just to touch.

My voice is croaky which is another symptom of this malignant ear infection malarkey, urgh surely I would be in severe pain?

People usually grind their teeth at sleep, so you really can't know whether you grind them or not.

People usually say "But I don't grind/clench" but when they check with another person during sleep-it turns out they do grind. :)

And you can't have malignant otitis externa unless you are 60+ years old with diabetes. It's actually fairly easy to discover that-as it presents itself with a huge scarring around ear. Here how it looks:


And another thing-malignant otitis is not cancer, although it's called "malignant". "Malignant" refers to frequent relapses of the infection (like cancer does).