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View Full Version : Sores on Tongue

02-02-14, 00:32
Hey everyone,

I went out the last two nights and partied with friends and there was some drinking involved.

Today I looked at my tongue and I have these weird spots that are raised, kinda look like canker sores, but they are painless. Towards the back of my tongue.
I'm so freaked out Idk if it's oral cancer or not and I'm kind of losing my mind.

I'm going to make an appointment for the dentist or doctor asap and see what they say. But I noticed I have been coughing today and at times it feels like something is caught in my throat.
I can upload a pic to show but for now I'll just say this.

Any help?

02-02-14, 00:35
I am pretty sure everyone has these, don't they?

(Oh, crap, now all my HA friends are now running to the mirror and are going to find something to freak themselves out.....stop it right now, ya hear?)


02-02-14, 00:41
Hi Sean,

As one who had oral cancer, I can tell you with all assurance it doesn't just appear like your describe overnight. In the vast majority of cases, there are no symptoms until it's gotten a hold and is advanced. What you described is most likely an irritation from drinking. Do you smoke? If so, it reinforces my inkling.

The rule of thumb is: If you have a suspicious area, sore, lesion or node that doesn't resolve in a couple of weeks see your doctor or an ENT experienced with OCs.

Positive thoughts

02-02-14, 00:52
I haven't smoked in a long time but I did take one hit last night and then stopped.
I'm hoping it's just the drinking.
I have been having weird symptoms lately but I don't know what symptoms to expect with oral cancer. I just freaked out bc they do not hurt and if I didn't look at my tongue I wouldn't have noticed so in all honesty I don't know how long they've been there!
And according to the internet sores that don't hurt can be a sign of OC

I have a close dentist. Do you think it's worth it to text him a pic or should I wait to go on ohysically

02-02-14, 08:35
And according to the internet sores that don't hurt can be a sign of OC

I have a close dentist. Do you think it's worth it to text him a pic or should I wait to go on ohysically

According to the internet, anything can be a sign of any cancer :)

Since you don't smoke, and in your age, chances of getting oral cancer are fairly minimal, if existent at all. Therefore, put your mind to rest.

As for the dentist, don't send him/her pics-just wait for the appointment. There are more chances that you get killed by an avalanche in next 3 days than this being oral cancer. Therefore, no need to press the alarm button-dentist will check your whole oral cavity anyway, and inform you if there is anything serious there-which there isn't.