View Full Version : Upset by mistake I made as a child

02-02-14, 14:43
I didnt quite know where to post this but basically an event from my past is making me very upset. It use to pop up in my memory from time to before anxiety and I would just forget it and move on. However now cause of my obsessive thoughts I think of it all the time and it makes me feel horrible and disgusted with myself. I didnt hurt anyone or anything but I just feel so disgusted with myself even though I was too young to understand. I cant even post on here what it is and ive never told anyone because I am so scared what they would say. I just dont know what to do. thanks

02-02-14, 15:00
How old were you when it happened? I'm guessing it was a sex thing, in which case all children do really stupid things sometimes and only afterwards realise how embarrassing it is.
Think of it from other people's perspectives, they probably can't even remember it now.

02-02-14, 15:00
I was too young to understand.

Hello Bex, re-read what I quoted.

As you said there's no way you could post it on here, so why not write it down somewhere else, like a diary or just a random piece of paper?

Sometimes people only need to externalise some thoughts and memories etc and they will dissapear, or at the very least you will see it without all the silly anxieties that make the memories so disturbing. I keep a little diary on here which has helped me a lot :)

Other than that, all I can say from my experience is EVERYONE makes mistakes, but there is nothing you can do about them if they are in the past. Bring your attention to the present and you'll find no mistakes there :)

Keep going, accept that whatever happened was just a mistake and as you said yourself, you were too young to understand :)