View Full Version : is there any one who did not suffer side effects on cit

02-02-14, 14:56
Hi my doc as given me 10mg cit i am so bad with anxiety panic and agoraphobia with my anxiety being through the roof already I am so afraid to take it thought about doing same as someone else on here take 2.5 a week then or so then 5 then 7.5 to get to the 10mg I have health anxiety to so every twinge will scare me some say you mite get lucky and not have any side effects but not read were any one as not I have had them a week and not took one yet they gave 2mg diazipam suppose to take 3a day I only take one a day and feel tired after a while any advice would be good thanks take care x

02-02-14, 15:09
I decided that how I was feeling could not be any worse then taking the meds. For what it is worth I did not get any real side effects when I started Cit 4 years ago.

02-02-14, 15:50
Hi my friend recently started cit she started off on 10mg and had no side effects at all so she went up to 20mg and was absolutely fine and is feeling alot better now x x

02-02-14, 18:10
Thanks guys yeah yr right feeling like this its got to better than not living a life at all x

02-02-14, 22:24
I decided that how I was feeling could not be any worse then taking the meds. For what it is worth I did not get any real side effects when I started Cit 4 years ago.

Spot on New Year.

I am taking 40mg of Cit and I did experience side effects but I'd rather put up with these than carry on without. Week 7 now so hopefully things will stabilise soon.

06-02-14, 22:12
Trish55, when I was on 10mg and 20mg a day of Citalopram, I had hardly any side effects. I`m now taking 40mg and I feel quite tired and lethargic lately. That could be down to depression though rather than the medication itself. x

06-02-14, 22:36
Trish55, when I was on 10mg and 20mg a day of Citalopram, I had hardly any side effects. I`m now taking 40mg and I feel quite tired and lethargic lately. That could be down to depression though rather than the medication itself. x

I agree with Kev. I had slight side effects on 20mg but when I went to 40mg, I have suffered with nausea, trouble sleeping etc. however, nearly at week 8 and things don't feel half as bad so must be getting used to it.

07-02-14, 14:23
6 months in... i had a wide spectrum of side effects adn in one breathe now, i'd like to say i have none... but to be honest thats a lie... in fac the truth is that i am used to them, they are part of me and my life and i don;t give them a though because i am HAPPY!!!!!


07-02-14, 16:02
I was on 10mg then gradually worked up to 40mg-had zero side effects, other than alleviating the panic/anxiety and depression.
I was concerned they weren't working !
They did work -they literally saved my life.
I did experience some brain zaps when I went off them but I think I reduced my dose way too quickly.