View Full Version : 7 days in on venlafaxine and feel awful !!!!!

02-02-14, 15:02
Hi ...
Started venlafaxine on monday
From mirtazapine as was having an awful time with reatless legs etc for hours after each dose ... so dr has put me on one 37.5mg venlafaxine before bed for a week then I have to call tomorrow see how im getting on and she will increase
The dose or what not .. first couple of days I started venlafaxine I just felt nausea in the evenings .. as the weeks gone in the nausea is still there but since yesterday lost all appetite and started getting fluttering palpatations and a severe doomed feeling that is crushing me and even making it hard to breathe ... really struggling .. anyone else had any similar experiences cause feel really bad right now .. and so very alone and scared :( thanks for your time ...

02-02-14, 15:07
Hi i take venlafaxine and when i started i nearly gave up on day 4, i felt absolutely horrendous, i felt sick, headache, anxiety was through the roof, i also came off mirtazapine to go onto it and i believe i was getting withdrawal symptoms aswell as new side effects anyway i stuck it out and Im glad i did as Im much better now x x

02-02-14, 15:15
I'm going through a bad time atm on Venlaflaxine day 10 for me
I felt ok for 5 days with mild side effects .The last few days I've never felt as low in my life and feel much more anxious than before I started taking them .I'm having symptons like your having atm
I'm gonna stick with them though as you will feel worse apparently before you get better they say
Try stick with them Gazz

02-02-14, 15:48
Nice to know im not alone .. im gonna stick with them as I was pretty low before so desperate to find something to help so got to give everything they offer a go .. its hard tho
Thing is for me is I have no support and the support I do have is from someone who has never felt anxiety or depression before so cant begin to understand ..
Well keep me posted pls ....antonio .. and thanks nicola.. nice to hear your much better :)

02-02-14, 16:29
Of course, I will keep you updated Gazz
Hopefully you will start to feel better soon and so will I !

03-02-14, 10:56

I've been on Effexor xr for two weeks now, started with 37,5 mg and then after one week upped to 75 mg. I feel awful today! Whole body trembling and extremely anxious :-( I also have no appetite and been suffering from daily headaches and eye pain. Is this normal after two weeks?

11-02-14, 02:36
med give me bad shakes ask your dr to switch you to the modified release its better wont make you feel as jumpy