View Full Version : does any one else get so drained of all there energy when been anxoiuse for days

02-02-14, 18:16
I feel like. I just got enough energy to keep breathing that's it my legs arms feel so week intact my whole body feels burned out like I have run a hundred mile or a hard days work and all I have done is fight with my anxiety for days on end I wake up so tired don't want to get up but no if I stay in bed I end up feeling out of sorts all day its such hard work being an anxiety panic and agraphoic suffer its not like I can go get some fresh air take care x

02-02-14, 18:25
Definitely, anxiety is exhausting :)

02-02-14, 18:38
Do you get like this omg I just been reading that yvonnes thread on highs and lows on the deppresion forum and as its 51 pages long I kinda went to read that page first and the way she said she feels when she wakes up in a morning my neck hurts my back I feel like a stiff bored but on reading it said something about her not being able to go on holiday cuts her oxygen level being low so now I am thinking omg what as she got maybe I have that lol x

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:37 ----------

As that's how I feel when I wake up my mussels really hurtx

02-02-14, 18:44
I would stop fighting and work WITH your Anxiety :)

I get muscle aches/weakness especially around my upper body. I don't know if this will help but I use Epsom salts in my bath and they really help a lot :)

02-02-14, 18:54
I feel like a stiff board when I get up in the morning, but I put that down to not being as young as I once was lol. Seriously though, anxiety is incredibly tiring, it's like running a bloody marathon!
I don't suffer much now but I can remember what it's like.
Don't you ever get out and about?

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ----------

I read that Epsom salts in your bath are a good way to get more magnesium, and magnesium is good for muscle cramps etc :)

02-02-14, 18:56
No ,my daughter lives next door I don't get there even no I ave suffered since I wadv12 now58 it lifted abfewbtimes enough for me to marry and ha six children all grown ups now got a lot of stresses full stuff going on at home at minutebwich is making me feel ferry angry even that wrsrs me out holding all this anger in to I will try the Epson salts though thanks for yr replies x

06-02-14, 02:18
Yes! I have burnt out adrenals which is a big cause as well as multiple food sensitivities. Wheat/gluten is a big one for a lot of people. It can be very damaging to your gut and prevent you from absorbing nutrients causing a lot symptoms - most sub-clinical so they're not usually picked up by doctors, but nutritionists/naturopaths will be able to pick them up by listening to your symptoms. Epsom salts are great for magnesium which is lacking in most people's diets. Vitamin D is another one that a lot of people are lacking too, especially if you don't get outside much or use sunscreen when you do.

06-02-14, 10:38
I am the same . I noticed there was some large bags of Epsom salts in the chemist in town Tuesday
At the time a could not carry them, but I am definitely going to buy some the next time I go shopping xx