View Full Version : An interesting book quote

02-02-14, 21:20
Hi everyone
I have just seen a quote from a book which I found extremely interesting and wondered what you think of it? I think its a great representation of how our anxious fears about death are enhanced because of the way us humans view life
“Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can’t. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out.”

02-02-14, 21:39
May I ask who the books by?

It's a nice and simple quote, hinting at being in the now, I like it :)

02-02-14, 21:46
It is I believe from a book called The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom :) I haven't read it but I agree. I think it perfectly expresses how we overthink things. We are as far as we know the only beings who fear death. Because it is a fear we have created. Time is a man made concept I think. x