View Full Version : pain in left side of my head....

02-02-14, 22:56
said in the title really, it's traveling down my neck....
it'll probably be gone soon, just wanting to know if anyone else ever has this....

02-02-14, 22:59
said in the title really, it's traveling down my neck....
it'll probably be gone soon, just wanting to know if anyone else ever has this....

Yes. About 99% of world population. :)

02-02-14, 23:03
Sounds like it could be a muscle to me!

I used to get shooting pains up the side of my head and it was to do with my jaw muscle :)

04-02-14, 16:18
I Get that often - I panicked it was my glands because that's my Fear but then my husband says he gets it aswell - think its just a normal thing.

04-02-14, 16:23
said in the title really, it's traveling down my neck....
it'll probably be gone soon, just wanting to know if anyone else ever has this....

Yes...and?.... ;)

Positive thoughts