View Full Version : Aches and pains

03-02-14, 04:26
I know no one here is a doctor, but I would still appreciate some feedback if this is just the result of anxiety or something else. Long story short I've been dealing health anxiety for almost two years now after a major panic attack. It took many months to feel like my old self again, but eventually I did recover. Around last October is when I began to go down hill again. It began with a sharp pain in my groin muscle, it lasted maybe a second or two but did that a couple of times. Since then it seems I have had problems in my hip\groin area where it either feels weird or gives me discomfort at times. Of course this sparked off my anxiety fears into high gear. A few weeks later I felt a minor pain in my back rib whenever I moved a certain way, for no apartment. It lasted for awhile then went away but still periodically returns. Then my calf was sore for a week for no apparent reason (aside from walking more than usual), that went away then it was my inner thigh that was sore for no reason. I was at the point were I didn't want to move around for fear something might ache which always either makes me afraid or irritable. My legs just feel weird when I walk now like there made of jelly and weak. I also feel very fatigued and weak at times. It's hard to explain, but it just feels like something is not right.

I've been to the Orthopedic and Chiropractor about the hip thing and there is no structural problems. I've been to the doctors several times and had lots of blood tests and everything is perfect. I'm stumped. I know my doctor thinks its all in my head and maybe she's right? All I know is I didn't have any of these problems before I started to worrying about my hip. Could it be the all the fear and focus on my legs created all these aches and pains?

04-02-14, 11:13
Hi, since i had my first panic attack episode i have had ;

chest pains almost daily
arm pains on and off
wrist pains on and off
calf pain that last a week
pain in my side that lasted a few weeks
Neck pain on and off
Sor armpits that last a few months
jaw pain ( which i have had on and off for 2 weeks )

Each time i have thought i am having a heart attack, cancer, lymphoma, blood clot.

im still here, still worrying but everything ive worried about heart attack, blood clot and the like hasnt materialised even after worrying constantly about it for over 6 months.

04-02-14, 12:47
If you're anxious and tense all the time, then it might be that your posture is 'off' and it's putting pressure on different bits of your body. When I'm tense, I lean forward over my keyboard more, and I've finally worked out that there's a connection between that and the on-off pain in my hip/groin. I don't know how exactly but I presume it's all to do with posture and such things.

04-02-14, 20:49
Hi James, thanks for replying. I've had the same concerns as you. It's somewhat reassuring to know I'm not the only one. I've read enough about stress to believe all these symptoms are caused by stress and anxiety, still it's difficult to accept its not something else.

emlica, that could be a factor. My sitting and standing posture is terrible.

06-02-14, 02:39
It could be caused by inflammation, which could also be triggering your anxiety. Maybe look at a changing your diet to one that excludes inflammatory foods. Will see if I can find a link for you.

---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

This article has a lot of ways you can address it: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/06/06/eft-on-chronic-inflammation.aspx