View Full Version : Not sure if I'm doing this right...

03-02-14, 05:07
Hello there,

I've found so much help with my anxiety or raising panic fits just by reading the message boards and knowing I'm not alone.

I feel rather silly about a lot of my anxieties, so I bottle them up until I feel like I'm going to explode and ultimately die. I'm in constant fear that something is going to happen to me. My biggest fear lately is that I'm always having a heart attack. I've noticed that all this intensifies when I'm drinking a lot of Diet Coke making me think it's related to what people call Aspartame poisoning, because of the anxiety teamed with physically feeling ill.

So that's me for now, trying to live a life with no more panic, and very appreciative a forum like this exists. :)

03-02-14, 05:40
Hi, and welcome!

If you are drinking a lot of diet coke you are most likely consuming quite a bit of caffeine...which is a terrible idea for those of us struggling with panic attacks and anxiety.
Now, I don't think aspartame is good for us, but I am also a big diet coke fan. Why don't you try what I have done-- get Caffeine Free Diet Coke, and stay completely off of caffeine for awhile and see how you feel.

Also, are you aware of the severity of the symptoms that anxiety can cause? They are all harmless, but feel awful! Check out the "Symptoms link" on the upper left on this page.

Cú Chulainn
03-02-14, 12:17
Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Hope you can find some help
Yh I've gone completely off caffeine.
I basically only drink water and the odd cup of green tea.
And I feel alot better for it

03-02-14, 20:45
Thank you both! I will give that a try! I forgot about the caffeine aspect!! :)