View Full Version : On 10mg for 2 weeks, some improvement, should I stay at low dose?

03-02-14, 10:39
Hi There,
I'm just after some advice. This is my first time using citalopram and I started on 10mg 2 weeks ago. I have already noticed an improvement as I am sleeping a bit better and I'm not ready to cry at the drop of a hat. I've even had a half decent weekend where I have almost felt relaxed at points. I have read a few posts stating that 10mg is very low and won't help long term but is there anyone out there who hasn't increased and the 10mg has been enough? Its just the thought of more side effects when they have just started to wear off that puts me off. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow and just wanted some input from other users before I see him?
This is my 4th episode of depression but in the past I took Fluoxetine as I was pregnant and it was deemed the only safe one for me to take but the side effects were horrendous for me and I was reluctant to use it again as I have two kids to look after and a job i desperately want to keep on top of. So any seasoned Citalopram users out there who can offer a bit of advice on increasing dosages etc will be very welcomed!

03-02-14, 13:30
I used Cit for 10 yrs until 3 years ago when I (stupidly) came off it. I could ONLY take 10mgs as anything mote I could not tolerate.
I you have improved as you say then there is no reason why you cant stay on this dose indefinitly!!! People respond differently to drugs. Just because it is a "low" dose it may be that it is the "right" dose for you.

I started back on Cit 19 days ago on 2.5mgs (yes a tiny dose) and I felt the benefits on day 4!!!!
My GP told me a few days ago that if 2.5mgs works for me then there is no reason why I cant just stay on it. I suffer terrible SE's from drugs. But being that sensitive means that it can work at lower doses.


03-02-14, 14:33
Hi Sarah, thanks for the reply. It's good to hear someone has had a positive experience on a lower dose. I too suffer badly with side effects and my anxiety shot through the roof the first week on 10mg but I have it in check now, I can get up and sort the kids out and get to work for a few hours. I'm loathe to lose this improvement even for a short time by increasing. It's only been 2 weeks so maybe I need to hang on at the 10mg and see where I get to in another 2 weeks. I shall see what the Dr says tomorrow. Thanks, and good luck starting up again.

03-02-14, 16:36
Remember some Dr's will say increase the dose .....but YOU are the one taking it so if you want to stay on the same dose for a bit then it's up to you!

Take care

04-02-14, 15:25
with what you are saying, i would say you're doing well and to stay as you aer, if its working... wothout pushing the side effects too far, and there is improvement so stick with it!

i personally am on 30mg... i started on 20mg but felt very little if anythign after a month, i had side effects but that was it, my doc put me up to 30 mg and now nearly 6 months on, i am here and doing well.. i thoni you just know when the dose is right... everyone will react differently though, it desnt mean anything about you, your dose, and never compare to anyone else! :D

your doctor might suggest an increase, BUT if you are doing ok, like it sounds you are, give it a bit longer on that does of 10mg before decigin to change it!

good luck :hugs:

05-02-14, 12:03
Thanks, I saw my Dr yesterday and to be honest he left it pretty much up to me what to do so I have opted to stay on the 10mg for another three weeks then see him again. I know what you are saying about not comparing to other people as we all seem so different looking on here....
I hope your increase starts to work for you soon. I think if the side affects are harsh sometimes we can't see past them to know if our mood is improving or not!

06-02-14, 08:39
doctors tend to do that, leave it up to you... its tough though, being in charge... i always thought doctors were there to direct... :ohmy:

but its right though, you know how you;re feeling so you inevetably know whats best... Give it atleast 3 weeks before thinking of changing dose... the side effects can be pretty brutal, they were on me at least adn lookign back, they messed me up big time... but suddenly, clarity came and POW i was ready to take on the world (well, almost... kind of... ok ok not quite but you know what i mean!!!!)

Talk through your side effects with someone, or even on here... often the reassurance that someone understands is enough to get you through! Don;t suffer alone though, one day soon you wake up, look back, and think wow... look how far i've come!!


06-02-14, 10:59
Yeah previously I was on Fluoxetine and it wiped me off my feet completely for the first 4 weeks. The citalopram seems to be a lot gentler for me and is letting me get on with day to day stuff that has to be done regardless of how I'm feeling. It's great getting your feedback as you are feeling so much better, it's really encouraging x

06-02-14, 11:35
Yeah previously I was on Fluoxetine and it wiped me off my feet completely for the first 4 weeks. The citalopram seems to be a lot gentler for me and is letting me get on with day to day stuff that has to be done regardless of how I'm feeling. It's great getting your feedback as you are feeling so much better, it's really encouraging x

i'm not sure i noticed it happening to me... i remember everything like the moments before i went doctors at crisis point and got put on citalopram, the first few weeks or even couple of months and the side effects.... geesh what a tough ride, then it all goes a bit fuzzy... and here i am today, i have emotions and feelings, i can do most things... i'm still not 100% but my word the improvement is huge!!!

keep fighting through these early stages ... stay strong, focused and communicate with people is probably the biggest things i have learnt, and maybe what has helped me in the most...

here to help/advise/comfort/reassure anytime!!!!

good luck!!!
