View Full Version : Cannot stop worrying about my worries about cancer

03-02-14, 11:28
I went on the Internet this morning and read about someone who have/had appendix cancer (Pseudomyxoma peritonei - PMP) and died.

I know I have had scans done round my abdominal because I feared bowel cancer as well, as well as other cancers.

I think if I had something serious wrong with me by now since my abdominal pain in 2012. I would not be able to post anything.

I got told by the 1st GP in 2012 it was IBS and should have believe her, my heart and brain told me about people being misdiagnosis.

Googling and reading old favourites like internet articles was a regular pastime back in 2011,2012,2013 and a bit in 2014.

If I could I would go to the GP every single day.

03-02-14, 11:35
I'm in the same boat Phil. I have awful stomach problems at the moment and am convinced it's serious. I just can't stop the worrying, even though I know it's futile. Am complete medical phobic too and terrified of having an endoscopy and the results. I had a mammogram last year and was convinced it was bad. I couldn't even stay in the house in case they phoned. I was out of my mind with worry and am again now with this. I understand exactly where you are coming from. I lost my ex to c last year and my HA has gone into overdrive since then. HA is a truly miserable condition. I'm sure, like me, you know all the tools to deal with it, but something in our brains stops us from doing it. X

03-02-14, 11:40
I worry about cancer everyday. Cancer is a favorite obsession among most of us. Look deep into yourself to that rational you. You know you don't have cancer. It's so incredibly rare to be misdiagnosed. Most doctors will order tests as a precaution because they don't want to get sued. You really need to stop googling it's fueling your anxiety. I didn't google all day yesterday and it was really hard but I felt better last night. Feel better friend hugs.

03-02-14, 11:40
I went on the Internet this morning and read about someone who have/had appendix cancer (Pseudomyxoma peritonei - PMP) and died.

And I went on the internet this morning and played a game of chess before work. Does that make me Bobby Fischer? No.

I know I have had scans done round my abdominal because I feared bowel cancer as well, as well as other cancers.

So you also know there's nothing bad down there. Scans don't lie, unless you suspect NSA had hacked yours in order to hide your cancer from you.

I think if I had something serious wrong with me by now since my abdominal pain in 2012. I would not be able to post anything.

I think so, too.

I got told by the 1st GP in 2012 it was IBS and should have believe her, my heart and brain told me about people being misdiagnosis.

When I met my fiancee in 2009 my heart initially told me I'm not interested and my brain staunchly opposed long-term relationships. Luckily, I didn't listen to them-went for the gut feeling that said she was the special one. Gut feeling was right.

Your gut feeling tells you it's all anxiety and IBS-if it weren't telling you that, you wouldn't be at the anxiety forum. Listen to it. :)

Googling and reading old favourites like internet articles was a regular pastime back in 2011,2012,2013 and a bit in 2014.

Well, watching the grass grow is better pastime than that.

If I could I would go to the GP every single day.

Is she really that pretty?


03-02-14, 14:22
Many thanks for your replies

I don't have just one GP I can see, since the GPs don't work at the practice everyday I am registered with, I prefer some better than others. It all depending on what the problem I think I have/got. I feel more comfortable with male problems to see a male GP.

03-02-14, 16:38
You're certainly not alone in having this fear and I suspect it's high amongst the general population. I thought I had colon cancer before Christmas, but fortunately, it wasn't. After I got the all-clear, I asked my doctor about being tested for prostate cancer and oesophogeal cancer, as I'm a male in my 50s. She said, you could spend all your life being tested for this cancer and that cancer, and that I should try and focus on enjoying my life. It's not easy if you have HA, but it's good advice.

03-02-14, 19:56
I have dreadful stomach probs started July last year change in bowel habits got sent for sigmoid clear then awful experience of a barium enema that didn't go right and didn't show anything proper so they said I would have to go for colonoscopy by this time my anxiety was through the roof and had a massive panic attack outside the hospital and fainted so didn't have it ..... My bowel now are working better but I get dreadful tummy pains and awful flatulence and back pain ...then to top it all off I went for blood tests and they came back I had vitamin D deficiency and low iron well you can imagine my anxiety with that I said to my GP should I try go for colonoscopy because if he had told me I had to I would have but he said no ...... But my tum is dreadfull feel bloated all time and so tired just fed up with the worry .....so I know how you feel

---------- Post added at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

And to top it off I'm in the menopause :wacko:

03-02-14, 22:30
I feel so alone when all I do is panic and worry about cancer, I fear so badly I have something, I have suffered with IBS for many years now, but it doesn't stop me worrying. I have had an ovarian cyst before and worry I have something again....I have a red rash on my boob and been reading IBC, until today never heard of that. I have heard somebody I have known since a child has only got 4-6 months to live due to cancer and it gets to me everytime....its so damned hard to get it out your head, I am really stressing at the moment and having an awful anxious time so making me think all sorts.....x