View Full Version : Symptoms Be Gone

03-02-14, 15:52
Just when I think I've had every symptom, a new one pops up. Started out like a spasm in the backmof my head, a numb sort of tingling. Then excruciating pain under my right shoulder blade when I turn my neck to the right side.
I started to panic and google and said NO! I will not. This is obviously muscular tension and the head spasm must be connected. I will not let this bother me. I will not fall prey to anxiety rearing it's head. I am going to post about it, ignore it and I'm sure that it will go away.

I have told myself that spasms in my head are a perfectly normal reaction tomstress, as is the pain under the right shoulder blade. This is not going to defeat me today.

03-02-14, 15:58
Go tanner!

I'm having a little problem with ear fullness today, which I know could be caused by my jaw problems. So I've just left it at that and moved on :)

I hope you feel better soon!

03-02-14, 15:59
Well done both of you. As for ear problems - can certainly associate with fullness associated with clicking jaw!

03-02-14, 16:01
Thats the way tanner dont let the dragon beat you ,you beat the dragon :D

03-02-14, 16:01
stay strong Tanner, I know you can and will get through this today

03-02-14, 16:04
Thanks guys. Imjust hate it when a new symptom appears. I want to run for google and convince myself it's nothing sinister. When I know I have heard others have this same head spasm. I'm not going there though.

03-02-14, 16:30
Definitely just a spasm....

Concerning the Dragon? Phasers set to kill ya hear? ;)

Positive thoughts

03-02-14, 16:51
All good Fishmanpa. All good.

03-02-14, 16:56
Hey, I have that too from time to time. :) Plain old anxietitis...:)

03-02-14, 22:56
Thanks Andrash. Weird feeling but the day has gone fairly well. That darned dragon can just go and breathe fire somewhere else.

03-02-14, 23:17
Thanks Andrash. Weird feeling but the day has gone fairly well. That darned dragon can just go and breathe fire somewhere else.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


03-02-14, 23:23
Love it. So perfectly fitting.

03-02-14, 23:27
Always had a "thing" for British Victorian and American late 19th-early 20th Century poetry :)

04-02-14, 12:00
how you doing today ?

04-02-14, 12:19
Hey there Mr. Andy. Thanks for checking in on me this morning. I'm doing pretty good. Woke up with a good case of morning anxiety, but have done my journaling and CBT and am feeling better. I'm convinced that I'm going to have a good day.

It seems that I just don't have enough time for myself these days. My partner has been out of town and I've been caring for my Dad. Seems like I need to find a bit more balance in my life at the moment. A bit more time to proactively take care of myself instead of reactively taking care of my anxiety.

All in all though, I'm still much better than I was and yet, still not where I want to be. I'm just thankful that I know what to do for myself in these stressful times. Thankful for you and all of the other people on NMP.