View Full Version : i need some advice

03-02-14, 16:19
Hi i suffer with terrible panic attacks and anxiety and depression, im on meds citalopram 40mg and beta blockers!! Im also on the contraceptive patch for my hormones!! Its making me gain weight and giving me a massive appetite, I have an obsession about weight and im beginning to become very unhappy because im gaining again :-(!!

Last time i tried to come of the patch it was as if my panic and anxiety got worse!! I dont know weather it was because of this or maybe i was just having a real ruff few day! I decided to get myself back on it quickly anyway!

Now i have had enough of the massive appetite and weight gain!! I just dont know what to do!! Has anyone eles been in this situation?

Thank you :hugs:


03-02-14, 16:21
Hormonal contraception can cause weight gain and make you feel more agitated, which is not needed when you already have anxiety! I gained weight when I started the pill but lost it again about 6 months later. It can take time for your body to settle down from the contraception.