View Full Version : frustrated- fears while cooking

03-02-14, 16:23
Hi everyone,
I've made some great progress in some areas which I'm really happy about but today I'm just feeling frustrated and writing my thoughts really helps!
So I enjoy cooking but it is tarnished by anxiety over concerns about getting food poisoning.
I made a beef stew a few weeks back and froze it, today I couldn't think of what to have so decided to defrost it which is fine in theory but I started and it's like a minefield of anxieties all related to whether it'll be ok to eat. I honestly just want to throw it in the bin and get something 'safe' which I probably would have done if it was just me but my bf is also eating and I know I cant live my life like this :(
That's the trigger of my frustrations but it's got me to thinking about my other anxieties and how they're stopping me enjoying cooking as much as I could, I would like to be able to experiment more but I fear it'll not be safe to eat.
I want to make cornbread with some spice but I haven't found a recipe that uses powdered chilli only fresh so will it be ok if I use powdered?? of course it will but still the doubting torments me :mad:

03-02-14, 17:54
I'm sure the powdered chilli would be fine, sounds delicious actually :)

04-02-14, 09:24
thankyou :) I did make them in the end and I ate the stew yay :D so feeling pretty proud of myself
and yes the chilli corn bread was good!