View Full Version : Do i have enough Anxiety symptoms to get some help from doctor ?

03-02-14, 18:26
Hiya i was wondering if you guys that suffer from anxiety could help me !! When i was younger i went to the doctors and i was diagnosed with Anxiety but was bascially told that i had to deal with it myself ! Well for a while i did but over the last couple of months i have been having really bad anixety mainly health anxiety . The symptoms i have :

back pain - my back is sore to touch
Body Aches mainly my arms , shoulders and legs
Burning sensations in my skin mainly in my arms
Chest pain
Cold chills and i feel cold a lot
I feel like i cant relax
heart palpations
urgency to urinate
Air Hungar
I have a huge fear of what people think of me
I hate the thought of upsetting people
I hate being places with no exits
Fear of dying
fear of impending doom

I dont get every single one of these symptoms on a daily basis ! but i do get a fair few a day ! its getting me really down and so worried !! As i worry it might be something serious

Does these symptoms deffo sound like anxiety ?

If i went to the doctors would they help me this time do you think ?

03-02-14, 18:29
Yes it sounds like anxiety and any doctor should listen to you and offer help :)