View Full Version : Update from ct scan

20-11-06, 21:13
There is nothing wrong with my sinuses he said the scan was 100% perfect. He said the pain is not my sinuses, not allergies either so he said im suffering from a neuralgia (sp) type pain and probably tension is causing all my muscles to contract and cause then pain when im very stressed. Would make sense though as ive been suffering more the last 2 years and thats when my anxiety first kicked in 2 yrs back.

So hey ho it was all well worth it and the consultant agreed its good that we now know what it is and he is writing to my GP to prescribe me medication to help deal with the the pain.

So anyway after all that I guess all I need is pain killers and a chill pill Its so good to know whats wrong now though :D

Thanks for all your replies to my whingy sinus posts :)[:P]

20-11-06, 23:03
Pleased for you Jem, you might find your pains ease now as you are able to relax a little,
love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

21-11-06, 10:11
That's brilliant news - so now you can relax about the meningitis-related problem too! You must be feeling loads better now. Really pleased for you! Just goes to show that nothing is as bad as our over-active imaginations make us think.

21-11-06, 11:06
Thanks, yes I do feel relieved but im very anxious about my blood test next week, ive convinced myself the achy legs and bleeding gums im experiencing are early signs of hiv:-(

21-11-06, 12:15
Jem, I think you have a very very low chance of having contracted HIV -probably a higher chance of you winning the lottery! Are these new symptoms you're worrying about, or do you think you may have had them in the past but not worried about them as you've had no cause to?

I'm sure you'll be fine, but I know you won't relax until you've proof of this. But really, try not to let it get to you. Think how much anxiety you had over the sinus thing and how that's been proven to have been misguided.

I hope the next few weeks pass really quickly for you, waiting is the worse.

21-11-06, 19:50

I have my blood test on monday so should know by the end of next week, its going to be an awful week esp with not having anyone to talk to about it.

I have had sore bleeding gums in the past, last time was back in May though. I did have a full blood count done only in October so surely if it was because of anything more sinsiter that would of picked it up but if its an early sign of hiv i guess not.

The achy legs thing i guess could well be down to lack of sleep, im so sleep deprived right now. I had 90 minutes last night that was it. Most nights i get 5 hours broken, its awful having a teething toddler and 2 boys who wake up at 5am!!!

Thanks hun.