View Full Version : Hi, I'm new - need advice

20-11-06, 21:25
Hi, I'm so glad to have found this forum. I have suffered health anxiety ever since the birth of my daughter two and a half years ago. It started off after having some heart flips following the birth which really scared me. I then became a constant pulse checker, worried about it constantly convinced I was going to drop dead and started having panic attacks. I still get the missed beats (PVC's) but have learned to live with them now. Had all the tests which came back ok, but only after obsessing over it and letting it ruin my life for over two years. On Friday night, I woke suddenly from sleep and my heart was racing, too fast to count but I'm guessing around 200. I got out of bed and felt faint and had tingling in my arms and hands. After about 15 mins, heart slowed down to about 90 and I went back to bed, although didn't sleep. The next day, I was totally drained but had to work (I'm a bridal makeup artist) so forced myself to get up and about.

It seems that I'm thinking and worrying about my health every minute of every day. At the moment, my stomach is very bloated (I look about 9 months preg), I'm getting pains just below my right ribs which come and go, the middle of my chest feels sore where the stomach is, I'm getting a bit of reflux and I have pain under my right shoulder too which feels sore. I also get various pains in my abdomen which come and go and I feel nausea a lot of the time. I'm really worried that something is very wrong and I can't stop focusing on it.

Sorry for the long post, but it helps to talk to others who know what it's like to get worked up about health things. I have a very understanding doctor who has told me I'm suffering from General Anxiety Disorder which was kicked off after the heart thing during pregnancy and also as a result of a traumatic childhood.

Would love to hear from others who have been through this and thanks for reading.

20-11-06, 22:34
hi bellar

Your story sounds so similar to my own which like you started after the birth of my daughter 14 years ago.
I became so fixated on my health that i thougt i was dying and the doctors kept missing things.
I cant give you any remedies hunni but all i know is that on this site you really are amongst good friends.
Acceptance is the answer but as of yet i havent got my head around that , not for the lack of trying!!!
take care tracie xx