View Full Version : more confident but still worried

04-02-14, 00:34
hi guys, i've had a much better day today and thought i'd share it with you all. The day hasn't been great symptom wise but i've felt much more confident in going about my business.

I went into university for 6 hours attending lectures and found myself often raising my hand to answer questions and provide input into discussions. This doesn't sound like a big deal but it's a big contrast to last week where i only managed to go in for an hour and sat next to the window feeling so anxious, depersonalised and frightened to the point i almost had to get up and leave.

I was captain of my football team in school and always seen as a very confident and funny guy by my classmates (sounds like i'm blowing my own trumpet but i'm not) i was even voted prom king when we graduated! it's really horrible how this anxiety has crippled me to the point i've been staying in and afraid of leaving the house, i feel this is getting slightly better now and long may it continue! I don't feel myself yet but i'm getting there, i have 6 flatmates here and the last few nights they've been finding me really funny and say i seem much more like myself than i have been for the past few weeks.

I also ventured into town by myself today and bought some new clothes, university items etc. again this doesn't sound a big deal but i struggled to walk from my bed to the living room a few weeks ago and constantly needed someone there to support me, it felt good to have confidence and independence again. When i was out i was still suffering symptoms and had a horrible dizzy spell in a shop but i powered through it and eventually it subsided.

In terms of my symptoms and worries they're still there all day pretty much. Today i've had the usual sharp, hot and stabbing pains in joints/muscles, headache that comes and goes, dizziness, dizzy spells, sinking stomach feeling, pins and needles in feet, muscle twitching, trembling hand, heaviness under eyes, internal vibrating, fluttery chest/palpitations, craving sugar/sweet foods, itching, constipation, mucus in stools (sorry for that Fishmanpa!) and a strange rash on my face that comes for an hour or 2 then goes- it feels very dry. I'm still worried about Brain Tumours or Lupus/Lyme disease due to the rash/joint pain and i'm scheduled to see a doctor Thursday about my unusual stools and stomach gurgling. I'm hoping for an IBS diagnosis which may explain some of my other symptoms e.g joint pain etc.

I've got my 2nd CBT session booked for Wednesday and i'm now taking Trazadone which seems to have helped except a horrible headache the day after changing from Fluoxetine to Trazadone, it's still lingering but it's settled down. I struggle to awake on a morning as it sends me into a deep sleep, almost like a baby sleep!

I feel like i've progressed in terms of my confidence to be out and about but the symptoms are persisting and are as alarming as ever which is really frustrating! Maybe it's just been a good day and tomorrow will be bad but i've felt a lot better about things, although the underlying fear due to symptoms still remains.

04-02-14, 01:20
Wooooooooooo go Dave!

I'm sooo glad to see your doing well!

The symptoms will persist for a while, it will take time to recover from the level of anxiety you were at, but most Importantly you've made your first big move. You've planted a little seed, which, with the right care will grow into something amazing.

Your dragon may get a little agitated when he notices he's not getting fed as much, ignore him, his days are numbered :D

I'm sorry to see Cabaye go as well!

You've made my night, keep going, you can do it :D

04-02-14, 02:07
thanks so much Luna. your support throughout this whole thing is great and always fills me with some much needed positivity!

i really hope so, i feel encouraged that although the symptoms were as bad and varied as ever, i still managed to have a productive day and could actually engage and concentrate on the lecture materials instead of being depersonalised/trapped in my own head.

Really trying my best but struggling to believe all my symptoms are anxiety, the face rash, headaches, head pains and joint pain particularly worry me, i do get eczema which flares up when i'm stressed so it could possibly be that as it does feel dry but who knows. i'll mention it to the doctor on Thursday. I don't get tired easily which is a good sign i guess as fatigue can often be a sign of something bad.

i'm devastated he's gone! i was at the derby against Sunderland Saturday and it was the worst day ever, horrible headache all day and then watched us get dominated and demolished by our local rivals. the £45 ticket price only added to my stress as well! our season is on the verge of falling apart, so frustrating :mad:

Thank you Luna, i'm hoping to join the gym this week and force myself to exercise, i even bought some new gym shoes to motivate me! i hope you're feeling well and still slaying that dragon of yours!

04-02-14, 11:47
I'm always here, for you and everyone else. All I have done is show you your own strength. don't thank me for that, you did it yourself :)

As I've said it will take time, and perhaps a couple of battles yet, but take all the hope, strength and courage you need from this first victory.

I really am so pleased for you, I remember when you couldn't even get out of bed, and you were 100% sure you had something wrong. Look at you now!

As for Cabaye, I see kinnear has gone because of it, you still got De jong on loan. It can't be as bad as Arsenal getting in Kallstrom who's 31 and injured for another 6 weeks.

Don't force yourself to much, you don't want to wear yourself out. Do as much as feels right, and don't be afraid to let yourself have a little rest, it's all about returning yourself to that balance which will come on it's own in time, going back to the flower metaphor, you just need to keep the soil fertilised and well tended. Then you can sit back and watch your garden grow ;)

Keep going, keep occupied, and have a great day :D

04-02-14, 12:26
Congratulations Dave on being anxious and afraid and moving ahead withnyour day. Your doingnso many things right and the dividends are starting to pay off. The more thatnyoumignore those symptoms and go about your daily business, the more the symptoms will ease up. You made a gigantic first step yesterday. Celebrate that step and be proud of yourself.

04-02-14, 12:55
Hey Dave, that's wonderful news. Just keep the good work!

Don't worry about Newcastle too much, as seen at Saturday, even 40 million signings don't guarantee anything :(

04-02-14, 18:10
thanks for all the support everyone it's greatly appreciated!

Luna- yesterday was a victory i just wish the symptoms would stop, i have a lot of work to catch up on over the next few weeks and plan to work hard from now till the weekend on catching up!

I don't understand the Kallstrom signing! What is Wenger thinking!? the ox coming back is a huge bonus though. you have so many goals in midfield, ozil, cazorla, chamberlain, rosicky, ramsey, it's a real shame walcott got injured i thought he may have made the difference. Chelsea looked really impressive last night.

I've had a relaxing day today but still had the same symptoms, i may attempt the gym later after i've had some food.

Tanner- Thanks so much, i'm really hoping the symptoms go but i know it's going to take a long time. Reading through the symptoms list i definitely have all of them and more!

Andrash- Thank you, our season is going down the drain it's so annoying that we didn't strengthen, i'm just glad Kinnear's gone! Everything seems to be going against United at the minute, those Stoke goals came from nowhere.

symptoms are at large again but i'm trying to keep them at bay. One thing i've developed recently is a shaking left hand when i hold it out, the right one is fine so i have no idea what it is. I also feel a massive loss of libido which may have been induced by the fluoxetine. Has anyone else experienced the hand tremors? it's quite worrying that it's only on my left side, most my symptoms are worse down that side

04-02-14, 18:23
We're like Chelsea 2012, we're gonna win the CL, all the bad luck from the league will be recovered there. :)

My hand always shakes a bit when I hold it out for more than 2-3 seconds, it's just that the muscles are tense-workout+anxiety. Totally normal, not even a sign or symptom. :)

04-02-14, 18:40
What are you studying at uni Dave?

04-02-14, 19:06
Andrash- haha i'd like to see an English team win it so i'm hoping you're right.

it seems to shake all the time unless it's on my lap or resting on something, it's so strange how it's only my left hand as well. i'll mention it to the GP on thursday just to be safe.

Phuzella- i study journalism at the moment

04-02-14, 22:20
Andrash- haha i'd like to see an English team win it so i'm hoping you're right.

it seems to shake all the time unless it's on my lap or resting on something, it's so strange how it's only my left hand as well. i'll mention it to the GP on thursday just to be safe.

Phuzella- i study journalism at the moment

Good to see you are doing better Dave.
Good choice of study.

04-02-14, 23:30

Great to hear you have had a better day, small steps my friend and each day will get better than the one before then lo and behold before you know it you will be back to your best. Good to hear you guys talk footy as well, good to talk about other things and I'm footy daft, Rangers man for my sins, still go most weeks but by god the stadiums have changed a wee bit last couple of years :laugh::laugh:. Had posted last night saying recently it dawned on me that I have realized I have anxiety riding alongside my fibromyalgia, tonight it's just dawned on me - can it get any worse - anxiety, fibromyalgia and support Rangers :yahoo: Hope everybody is doing well tonight and Dave I bet your day tomorrow is better than the good day today, keep it up, small steps my friend, small steps.
