View Full Version : Going back to hospital tomorrow about my eye. Could do with some reassurance :-(

04-02-14, 00:51
I have this big vein that appeared in my eye a month ago, shortly after I started getting a black spot in that area when I did certain things. I had a normal ophthalmic exam at the time. Well the vein just keeps getting bigger and the black spot has changed to flashes, in the same spot. Today it's happening basically every time I tilt my head to that side. The docs suggested it might be migraine, but the vein is too weird. My boyfriend said today it was very odd and I should go back to hospital, and he's used to me freaking out. So I'm doing that tomorrow. A neurosurgeon was meant to be doing a follow-up scan on me (in August) for a cyst I have in my head and I just can't get a hold of him, but the cyst is nowhere near my eye so...idk.

The eye hospital has been telling me to get my GP to look into it and my GP told me to go back to the eye hospital. The health system is messed up here atm from cutbacks and it's very easy to fall through cracks. No one wants to treat or investigate anyond unless they're literally dying.

I have noticed that my eyes have been very dry and stingy. Has anyone else had dry/bloodshot eyes cause localised vision problems, or sinusitis (my face and head are very tender)? Google tells me they shouldn't be :-/

I just keep feeling like I'm getting sudden pains in my head and thinking 'oh no an aneurysm is bursting'. Just trying to make it through to tomorrow :-(

04-02-14, 01:11
I can't really give you a diagnosis, except say that I have veins coming and going fairly regularly.

Other than that I know my TMJ problems can also effect my eyes, causing them to be dry and bloodshot. Which would correlate with your head and facial tenderness. But like you said sinusitis could be the culprit as well, or maybe even just anxiety.

I've had sudden pains with my jaw problem as well.

I hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

04-02-14, 20:40
There are quite a few things that can make eyes more bloodshot or more dry, and the two often go together. None of the causes that I know are particularly sinister. Have you tried drops for the dryness? See if you can find something like Systane Balance, which isn't just saline--sometimes the oil glands around the eye get a little blocked up, and drops that deal with that can be helpful.

I don't know what you're asking Google (or why, since that's the root of all HA evil :D), but if you're prone to allergies you can certainly have sinus pain and eye issues from the same cause. None of your vision reports sound particularly unusual in their own right--it just sounds like floaters, which most people have and people with HA notice more--and since you've had a clean bill of health vision-wise, that doesn't seem like something to focus on.