View Full Version : constant panic attacks

04-02-14, 07:11
Hi everyone I'm just posting to say for the last 9 weeks I've been really struggling. I've developed afear of caffeine. Which I know sounds daft but it started out with a fear of my pain killers which I have to take or I get awful tension headaches. Anyway I Googled the half life of caffeine and it said it basically takes 6 hours for half of it to leave you. This automatically made me panic thinking That's a long time and it made me feel trapped this has then led to a fear of eating chocolate because it has caffeine and theobromine in it which has also a long half life. This is ruining my life at the moment. I'm still taking the tabs because if I stop it will only latch on to something else,but I'm having constant panic attacks of feeling like I want to claw at myself to get it out of my system and then I get more scared thinking nobody can help me and I'm stuck feeling this way and I will constantly panic until it's out of me. I thought by now this fear would have calmed but it's just taking over me. I want to go back to eating chocolate but I've tried and got that scared I made myself throw it back up

04-02-14, 14:56
Bless fear is so crippling I began forty yrs ago at age 12 fear of death I have collected so many fears along the way I just about fear everything just started today taking citalopram and scared of the side effects but we are lucky today there is more support like this site docs more aware of it bk in 60s no one new wat was wrong with me. Every panic attack they was looking for some physical wrong with me but not in my head I was so alone with it for yrs we sometimes read to much about things like caffeine choc ect if we took heart at all the stuff we should not eat or do we be sat in a chair frighten to eat of move lol some times a little ignorance is bliss you will be OK you were wen you drank it before and it will subside again take care

04-02-14, 17:53
Hiya Thanku for replying. And that sounds awful that nobody knew what this was when you first started as it's scary as it is. I know they say knowledge is power but not always. I do try thinking that but when I get that fear and my heart races it's so hard to think rational, my only thought it is I wanna go back and get it out of me which you know you can't do so you feel helpless. Thanks for replying though you take care too x

04-02-14, 19:33
Yr welcome and yep once the fear grabs you it so hard I no that feeling only to well everything but the fear goes out the window you feeling any better now hope so x

04-02-14, 21:45
Panic is fear of fear. Let it whoosh out of you. Your body has a panic 'attack' as a strategy to remove excess stress. They are a good thing. Accept you body healing itself. That is what panic is. It's the same chemical as excitement. It is possible to just enjoy the rush. People pay good money for this feeling on roller coasters or scary movies. It's 100% safe and beneficial.

05-02-14, 07:42
Hiya Trish I suffer bad everyday really sorry for late reply I wish there was a notification thing for when someone replies .thanks for being so caring x

Hiya cymraig
That would be a good way to think of it, is it really a way of excitement because I can't move during one

05-02-14, 07:57
It is exactly the same chemical process

05-02-14, 10:15
It's strange because all I think about is caffeine it's like I have a proper phobia of it. This time few months ago I wouldn't have thought twice and now it's just on my mind constantly that it's in my blood. Which is silly because lots of things absorb into blood which I know but it's like my mind wants to use it

05-02-14, 20:59
I remember avoiding caffiene for a while ... I became scared of it, I would only drink water or decaf. One day I decided to just drink 15 cups of strong proper coffee and see what happened.

Nothing happened. Ok I got a headache. And it forced my adrenaline up even further. My head was spinning more, I got more lightheaded. Etc etc etc.

I was fine.

This is probably not good advice. :doh:

But it didn't do me any harm.


06-02-14, 18:33
Sorry for late reply. Did it help though when you did it?

06-02-14, 18:58
Hi diddler, I am also currently avoiding caffeine. Obviously caffeine is not the reason for the panic attacks, but my body just cannot deal with caffeine currently. Perhaps it is wise to listen to your body for now. Remember just, let time pass, because it is not static. Life is dynamic and in a few weeks you might want to enjoy caffeine again.

What CC did is a cool thing and he proved something to himself by controlling it :shades:, but you will know when you are up for such a challenge. I know that right now, one coffee will knock me over.

06-02-14, 19:29
LOL-…..Concerning caffeine….

In my opinion, it is one thing to stand up to the dragon, look him in the eye, inhale his smoky breath, and say "I am not afraid of you."

It is quite another to poke him in the eye with a stick and not expect him to retaliate.

Cú Chulainn
06-02-14, 19:52
Personally I just don't drink and have and still am feeling a lot better for it.
I also gave up all caffeine like coke and tea.

06-02-14, 23:32
LOL-…..Concerning caffeine….

In my opinion, it is one thing to stand up to the dragon, look him in the eye, inhale his smoky breath, and say "I am not afraid of you."

It is quite another to poke him in the eye with a stick and not expect him to retaliate.


Oh yes the adrenaline certainly gave me a kicking that day. :yesyes:

If memory serves ....

The racing thoughts, the dizziness the urge to escape every second.

I think I counted about 100 racing thoughts per minute, every hour for most of the day. :scared15:

I was in a training course in work stuck in a hot grey/blue walled room with no windows staring at a VDU smothered in nicotine-yellow fluorescent lights all day.

Got home afterwards, had a lay down and then just observed the sensations and thoughts without recoil, until I fell asleep. :wacko: I woke up depersonalised and with a headache quite pleased with myself.

It just goes to show, panic has no teeth, however long it lasts. :)

Oh and by the way ... I would not suggest anyone try this as a strategy. I'm just using it as an example of how safe panic is. It can't do anything to you, it cant hurt you, it can't harm you. It can't kill you, it can't make you go mad. It can't make you lose control. It's safe.

Additional ... There is no dragon. Panic ... It's just a fear of fear.

What is fear ... The sensations of normal stress + racing what if thoughts of a creative mind.

If you learn to let the thoughts pop in and out and watch them without reaction, you are pretty much tip top.

Practice this first by lying down and picturing you in a boat on a lovely lake. Bubbles come up to the surface and pop ... These are your thoughts, that can be Positive ... Negative or both. Just watch them.

Practice first lying down, with panic.
Then standing up with panic.
Then watching telly with panic.
Then in work with panic.
Then driving with panic.

Etc ... Expand your circle in a time frame of your choosing.

Back to the bubbles ...

Pop ... I'm hungry

Pop ... My head is pounding.

Pop ... I'm going to pass out

Pop ... Etc

If you watch them for long enough without reaction, they will slow. They will always slow ... No exceptions. They will then clear.

These bubbles are your creativity, they can't hurt you. They are just thoughts.

Example thought 1 ... I'm going to die
Example thought 2 ... I'm going to eat a kebab

There is no difference between these thoughts ... 1 is no more harmful than 2

They are collections of words.

Once you learn to watch without reaction, all that is left is stress and a bit of excitement (being sensitised)

You will recognise excitement, that's the good bit, then there is just stress. This is just stored excitement waiting to be released.

You will see that it's just normal stress. Nothing more. And stress is not a bad thing ... It is only 'negative' if we view it as negative.

07-02-14, 06:58
Hiya lefi and cu I don't think the caffeine will harm me because I've been taking it that long it has no effect I'm tolerant. But my brain wants to use that if I wanted to get it out I can't if that makes sense

Too much to live for I think I kinda know what your saying but I'm not trying to encourage it I'm trying to expose myself as I've always drunk it and not taking anymore than always have I've just developed a fear to it

Thanku you've been helpful. When these constant nerves and panics come I do try sitting threw them but it's so hard. The thought inside my head is Oh no this is going to carry on until caffeine has gone which is another day so then it makes the panic worse because I feel trapped. I know it's not the caffeine because it's only a low dose in the tabs and took them for twelve years so obviously my body use to them. I wouldn't do what you did but it's a good way of explaining how you faced your fear. I need to try that with going to town and stuff because I haven't left my area for about 8 years. I work but I only work local and it's hard. I started new job yesterday and I was in a right state yesterday Morning.
I sometimes look at people just carrying out daily things like going to meadowhall or taking their kids bowling and I think how scary being that far must be but to them it's totally normal I then feel bad I can't do it. People posting how excited they are for holiday and to me that would be scary going that far and how do they tolerate being all the way over there without feeling trapped to want to come home. I'm really hoping this cbt works it's my last hope

---------- Post added at 06:58 ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 ----------

The thought the comes over me wanting to claw at my skin to get it out of me is awful

07-02-14, 19:31
CBT will work if you want it to. I have also started last week. So far it was not that exciting, my therapist has only listened. But EVEN that was a relieve. I hate it when people ask me "but what are you afraid of?" :P My therapist did not. She listened with so much empathy. Tonight I had a panic tendency to become hysterical, but with meditation based on the principle of Mindfulness and then a walk to get rid of the adrenaline helped me to restore inner peace.

Good answer CC. I did indeed misunderstood your intention.

Thinking of you diddler. Sometimes its hell, but you will get through it. After you will be stronger.

07-02-14, 19:55
hello everyone why don't we start regional support groups.. ? julius

07-02-14, 20:35
Diddler ... It's not the caffeine, it's you fearing normal healthy body reactions. There is nothing wrong with you.

07-02-14, 20:48
Thanku for your kind words and let's cross fingers for Cbt because I really want it to work. I know and when they say it's all in your head. Fears seem tiny to people who don't have them it's hard for them to understand just how bad we feel. I'm glad you feel better now because it's awful feeling that out of control

That sounds a great idea

I know and honestly Thanku for trying to put it in perspective for me. Fear of fear is awful

07-02-14, 22:23
stay away from caffeine. i have the the same issues. haven't had a cup of coffee or tea for 4-5 years now.

08-02-14, 00:15
I know and honestly Thanku for trying to put it in perspective for me. Fear of fear is awful

That's one way of looking at it.

It's only fear if you believe it is.

It's just sensations of the body clearing out adrenaline. Nothing more.

For example.
Children spin around to make themselves giddy, do they fear it. No they enjoy it.

They jump around until their hearts beat fast, it makes their head rush, they get tingles, flushed faces, pins and needles and whoop with delight.

They are feeling the same sensations.

They don't give a monkeys because they don't feel they have to be in control.

You probably did exactly the same when you were very young. The memories of how to enjoy these safe sensations are still in your mind.

You just need to let go.

Let your head spin, let your heart beat, let your face get flushed, let your skin prickle etc etc. And when you get tired afterwards. Enjoy it.

The medical industry has, with good intention, but incorrectly medicalised normal bodily function. We believed them.

We get older, we take ourselves seriously, we want control. We then feel strange (because oh my goodness, I shouldn't be feeling like this), we go to the doctor and then instead of giving us the reassurance that this is exactly what the body is supposed to do, he gives us Panic Disorder, GAD, Depersonalisation etc etc.

It's not his fault, that's the way he was trained.

What did Claire Weekes say .... "None of these sensations are important medically".

She knew.

She knew there as no disorder, no issue.

The only problem she described was our attitude.

That is all.

Nothing more.

09-02-14, 07:19
That's a really good explanation. I've heard of Claire weekes before.
You are right in everything you say,and obviously when I'm not full height panic I can totally make sense but when they come as you know it's like you can't think logical. I've had them since 15 so you would think I would be an expert on them by now.
But Yeah I remember spinning when I was little
The Cbt lady had me running up and downstairs to get my heart racing and just sit with the sensations which are uncomfortable but it's different to what you experience during panic attack.
You have really helped and put things into perspective Thanku :D

09-02-14, 10:48
Heya diddler,

sounds as if the treatment kicked off well. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up!

09-02-14, 16:06
That's a really good explanation. I've heard of Claire weekes before.
You are right in everything you say,and obviously when I'm not full height panic I can totally make sense but when they come as you know it's like you can't think logical. I've had them since 15 so you would think I would be an expert on them by now.
But Yeah I remember spinning when I was little
The Cbt lady had me running up and downstairs to get my heart racing and just sit with the sensations which are uncomfortable but it's different to what you experience during panic attack.
You have really helped and put things into perspective Thanku :D

People with panic attacks are absolutely no different to say somebody who has a fear of spiders.

The person who fears spiders is not physically ill, or mentally I'll. they just fear spiders.

The person who has panic fears adrenaline.

Which is a safe energetic and beneficial chemical.

It's much safer than spiders for example.

People who have a fear of adrenaline spend their time trying to rid their world of adrenaline.

This is the same as somebody who fears spiders trying to cure themselves by killing all the spiders in the world.

Let the adrenaline be there. It's ok.

09-02-14, 16:46
Hiya LeFi wish it was we kind of agreed it wasn't working for me so were going to try exposure on going places but Thanku

cymraig I really do try. I'm having one at the min and I really do try I just go into auto crap myself mode that it won't stop. And then it throws your heart jumping at you and that sets fear off even worse it's so annoying

09-02-14, 19:38
OH man :weep: how can the therapist give up after one time???

I wish I could help you diddler. You are suffering and I think it is so unnecessary because we can get over these fears. Ok, obviously I am trying positive thinking here. The truth is I am currently feeling rotten. Taking it day by day.

09-02-14, 21:58
I know I think she just thinks it needs to be more intense.
Ahhhhh why what's up. It's easy for us to be positive for each other but it's so hard when were trying to convince our own thoughts. Are you having a bad time?
That's sweet as well Thanku and just replying helps :D

15-02-14, 09:38
Hiya it's not coffee I drink it's in the headache tablets

15-02-14, 10:00
Many pain killers is a combination and also contains caffeine. How did you figure out it is the painkillers?

15-02-14, 18:12
Panic is fear of fear. Let it whoosh out of you. Your body has a panic 'attack' as a strategy to remove excess stress. They are a good thing. Accept you body healing itself. That is what panic is. It's the same chemical as excitement. It is possible to just enjoy the rush. People pay good money for this feeling on roller coasters or scary movies. It's 100% safe and beneficial.

Hey there, Chris is exactly right, Panic attacks are completely harmless! It's like letting off steam, in this case a panic attack is released when there is too much of the emotion - fear.

if you didn't fear something...you wouldn't panic, you have to go with it and ride it, then realize that "it's not going to hurt me, "I've been here before and there is nothing on the other side of this fear". so understand that you are safe and not coming to any harm and when i found out the truth about panic...I recovered and quickly so

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

That's one way of looking at it.

It's only fear if you believe it is.

It's just sensations of the body clearing out adrenaline. Nothing more.

For example.
Children spin around to make themselves giddy, do they fear it. No they enjoy it.

They jump around until their hearts beat fast, it makes their head rush, they get tingles, flushed faces, pins and needles and whoop with delight.

They are feeling the same sensations.

They don't give a monkeys because they don't feel they have to be in control.

You probably did exactly the same when you were very young. The memories of how to enjoy these safe sensations are still in your mind.

You just need to let go.

Let your head spin, let your heart beat, let your face get flushed, let your skin prickle etc etc. And when you get tired afterwards. Enjoy it.

The medical industry has, with good intention, but incorrectly medicalised normal bodily function. We believed them.

We get older, we take ourselves seriously, we want control. We then feel strange (because oh my goodness, I shouldn't be feeling like this), we go to the doctor and then instead of giving us the reassurance that this is exactly what the body is supposed to do, he gives us Panic Disorder, GAD, Depersonalisation etc etc.

It's not his fault, that's the way he was trained.

What did Claire Weekes say .... "None of these sensations are important medically".

She knew.

She knew there as no disorder, no issue.

The only problem she described was our attitude.

That is all.

Nothing more.

I like the information you've provided here ;) good knowledge

18-02-14, 21:10
:DHiya greggs sorry for late reply
Thanku. I will just keep reading back on these posts when I need them, he does have a good knowledge

19-02-14, 08:33
Hiya diddler,

I also keep reading these posts from time to time. It is so helpful to communicate :)

Hope you are doing better. Some days are easier than others but its a process and we WILL get through!

20-02-14, 05:39
I'm the same really. Got Cbt again Friday so crossing fingers. It's hard panicking while trying to get through an 8 hour shift :doh:
Hope your OK x

23-02-14, 18:31
And? Did you go for the cbt? I think we need patience to be effective. I am sorry to hear about your struggles at work. Its tough! My doctor has written me ill for 6 weeks, but that is because I had a physical breakdown due to my anxiety.

In a way, having to go to work is a help, isnt it? Keeping routines and stability.

Hope you are doing well and keeping clear of the caffeine :) Also, give the CBT a chance. I do, not always easy but I think we kind of have to do these things.


25-02-14, 17:54
Hiya. I know It's awful being like this. Sometimes I forget what normal daily life feels like
I'm trying not to stop work But It's so hard to work through them sometimes,I just wanna not move during them and then after you just feel physically drained and get horrid after symptoms. I honestly this time don't know what to do anymore

26-02-14, 08:23
I am taking time off work now to focus a bit on getting myself back on track. Also working through the letter: http://nothingworks.weebly.com/ and finding it helpful and above all HOPEful. Setbacks are not always bad, since they allow us to practice getting better. Thinking of you! :flowers:

26-02-14, 12:10
I began forty yrs ago at age 12 fear of death I have collected so many fears along the way

And there's me thinking my 10 years was bad. 40 years! Oddly enough mine came at 18 and was also a fear of death. I've also collected the oddest fears ever.

When I walk around my town I have to follow a certain path, and stick to the walls. If there's no walls around me I can't walk on that path. I feel like I am about to pass out and die if I walk in spaces with no walls. Talk about strange.

These days I rarely leave the house at all.

28-02-14, 06:57
Hiya imageek
Sorry for late reply. I know we think It's strange But to us even though deep down we know It's an irrational fear It's so hard to train Our brain to not see it as a fear. I get what you mean about not wanting to leave house. I would Love to take kids bowling and stuff and being able to make. Me depressed