View Full Version : I can't eat

04-02-14, 09:25
I've just started a new job my anxiety has become so bad since starting it. I constantly feel sick I hardly sleep but the thing that's got me most concerned is that I can't eat. I feel to sick to.

leaving the job is not an option I've been out of work to long and have never been able to sick at a job more than a few weeks.

04-02-14, 10:32
Anxiety can cause a lack of appetite because energy is being diverted from digesting food to the muscles. Try eating little and often so you're not going without. Nausea is caused by the same problem so eating can combat that, something bland and dry helps me.

Starting a new job is very stressful. I've recently had a transfer from work so I'm working in a completely new area. It's the same work but feels very new, so I know how that anxiety feels right now. Keep going, don't quit now because it won't do your confidence or self esteem any good, the more shifts you do the easier it will get.

04-02-14, 19:30
I to am struggling to eat I feel so sick but as I ave said in other post my anxiety is through the roof at minute and as been for a number of months do to a lot of family stuff going on and at this time there is nothing I can do to change all the stuff that's making me anxiuose so the circle goes on feel amxoise hence feeling sick and not eating. I no it don't help with yr prob but just wanted you to no yr not alone with this take care x

04-02-14, 20:34
its awful at the moment I feel like I'm going to fall apart I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. I can't handle feeling like this. I spend all day at work feeling anxious then I get home and spend all night worrying about the next day at work. I don't even have anyone to talk to or confined in. I will just have to keep going untill the feeling fades

04-02-14, 20:52
I know it feels horrible but I bet you having something to eat, something small, will help you to feel so much better.

04-02-14, 20:59
Make some smoothies in a blender. Sip at your own pace.

04-02-14, 22:12
I've managed to eat a little just drinking plenty of water

05-02-14, 08:36
When I wasn't eating because of the anxiety I sipped on juice and shakes, I also had soup and yogurts. Little and often to give your stomach acid something to work on.Anything easy to swallow and fairly bland. Although I felt sick I always felt a bit better after eating. It seems the less you eat the more nausea you feel. Bit of a vicious cycle. X

05-02-14, 09:40
Don't no about you lrica but some times even thinking of food can make me feel sick its awful I have stuffed yes but this spell I am going through is so bad I ave never been this bad with eating some were along the day I felt a little pekish but anxiety been on 24/7 so never feel like I can eat I do try to eat take care x