View Full Version : Hello :)

04-02-14, 10:49
Hi everyone,

Just a quick intro because I never know what to write on these!

I'm Megan, I'm 24 and I live in Surrey. My anxiety has got steadily worse of the past few years, and now it's having a huge impact of my life. Finding it quite hard to cope, so seeking advice and people that understand :)

Anyways, hi!

04-02-14, 11:07
:welcome: Megan!

I'm sure you'll find many people here who can help you :)

04-02-14, 12:30
Welcome to NMP, Megan. You will find some wonderfully understanding people here, with much wisdom and good advice. You're definitely in the right place.

04-02-14, 12:39
Howdy! I'm also 24 and am moving to Surrey on Friday!

04-02-14, 13:17
Hi everyone,

Just a quick intro because I never know what to write on these!

I'm Megan, I'm 24 and I live in Surrey. My anxiety has got steadily worse of the past few years, and now it's having a huge impact of my life. Finding it quite hard to cope, so seeking advice and people that understand :)

Anyways, hi!

Hi Megan, welcome to NMP!

Have you spoken to your GP? You don't have to go down the meds route, but I found that talking to my GP (who I really get on with) really helped.

I also have confided in a number of my friends. I have never really understood this sort of illness until it happened to me. Maybe talking to a friend will help - there is lots of advice on here too.

I am 7 weeks in to my (latest) meds - I have been on and off for about 4 years now. Generally things are much better but I still get worked up from time to time. It is getting easier though.

What helped me was sitting down and writing down my 'triggers' and feelings. If you can understand what it is that is making you anxious then you can try to address it. I think they call it 'You are what you think'.

All the best, Marty

05-02-14, 13:11
Thanks for the hellos everyone!

Limey, where abouts in Surrey are you moving to? I live in Carshalton :)

Marty, I haven't spoken to my GP yet. I am planning to in the next week. I went there the other day for something else and chickened out in talking to her about it because I have no idea what to say?

I would love to have a friend to confide in, but I only have one (social anxiety!) and I find that people just give me a weird look, because they don't understand.

I will definitely try writing things down because I really think that would help me, so thanks for the tip!