View Full Version : Citalopram withdrawal.

04-02-14, 17:30
Wow, the Doctor never tells you what its like to come off when he puts you on the happy pills.

I was given them for stress and to chill me out. Yes they worked and you get so addicted to them you keep taking them. Like is ok, you love the fog and the feeling of nothing bothers you.

Weight gain, losing motivation, reduced sexual motivation is the warning.

I started cutting them in half, then in quarters now Ive been free of them for a week.

Side effects are evil. Head shocks and zaps are crazy, pins and needles, head aches, felling sick, joint pain, weak legs, mad dreams, shaking and feeling anxious now and then, tension in the shoulders and back, snapping at people one moment then being manic and euphoric the next as well as being emotional.

Ok, thats the bad stuff. The good is that it eases off in time. You feel like you have had a cloud lifted from your brain. You notice the colour of things and how great life is. Silly I know, but I asked my wife who has supported me coming off them when she bought these scatter cushions in the house, she said two years ago which is the time I have been on the drug. LOL.

Sex drive back to full power, motivation for working and life totally back. Outweighs the negatives.

If your going to come off, do it over a few weeks by reducing it. Read as much about the effects as you can. But get off the drug. Meditation is good also to try.

Just discovered the old me is still alive and well and I love it. :):yesyes:

The drug helped when it needed to but dont do what i did and get comfortable with it. Get off as soon as you are in a good place guys.


04-02-14, 17:53
Really good to see a very happy story on here. Wish you all the best dude :-)

04-02-14, 18:00
Really good to see a very happy story on here. Wish you all the best dude :-)

Thanks Sam, still feeling some of the bad withdrawal symptoms but the good bits outweigh the bad. and they are getting better.

Keep on keeping on my friend :)

10-02-14, 09:01
I'm pleased you've recovered from your anxiety.

With regards to the "get off as soon as you're in a good place" comment, I don't think that's correct, sorry. I think the accepted medical advice is to stay on for at least 6 months after recovery, to reduce the risk of relapse. Last time I only stayed on it for 3 months after recovery and I relapsed badly a few weeks later. So this time I'm staying on for longer.

13-02-14, 13:36
I have not needed them for a long time and it was my Doctor that told me to still take them, also not once did he mention the horrible withdrawal symptoms.

So I took matters in my own hands and stepped them down. Im now 3 weeks free and I feel like a new man.

No regrets

18-02-14, 10:13
Are you coming off them on your doctors advice/supervision...? or just off your own back decided what to do? x

18-02-14, 14:08
Well done for coming off meds.

I came off Cit 3 years ago ....sadly I had a massive relapse last March and ended up in a psych unit! Everyone is different though. It's great news that you feel well enough to come off...good luck.:)

18-02-14, 16:15
Are you coming off them on your doctors advice/supervision...? or just off your own back decided what to do? x

I asked my Doc if I could come off them as I felt like I didnt need them and he told me to wait.

I researched online and stepped them down without consulting my Doc. I feel better than ever now without them and I have changed Doctors

---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

Well done for coming off meds.

I came off Cit 3 years ago ....sadly I had a massive relapse last March and ended up in a psych unit! Everyone is different though. It's great news that you feel well enough to come off...good luck.:)

I never had depression though for the record, the counselor I spoke to said in his own words, your not depressed you just sound pissed off. :)

I was having issues with a manager at work and it was more stress with a little anxiety for me. Few panic attacks all related to the stress I was being put though.

I have been missing for 2 years on those things

Everyone at work and family has noticed the change in me. Back to being positive and on full power again.

23-02-14, 16:17
Awhh can't wait, I want my sex drive back :yesyes:

Uhm yes I do intend to step down gradually but stupidly skipped 3 days - suddenly, and the withdrawal is kicking in. It's most peculiar. As soon as I can get to a doctor tomorrow I'm going to do this properly.