View Full Version : Eye Floaters ruining my life :(

04-02-14, 17:31
Hey Friends,

I've had a recent outbreak of eye floaters and now a very visible black line in my left eye. It drives me nuts when I am working on the PC. I don't dare to look down at the keyboard and back up onto the screen because then the line appears. I am adjusting my behavior to suite the floaters which is quite upsetting. I do believe that i am obsessing about them since I am checking them every day when I wake up and throughout the day. I went to the doc and he said they are harmless. I knew this before but doesnt make it any easier to deal with.

I am interested to know how you guys adjusted to your floaters and if you seeing them now or pay attention to them during your day. I can't believe that life can get back to normal after such experience and I'd love to hear that it can.

How did your floaters look when they were intense? Can you describe them ? Also, did you see them when you were working on your PC? Now do you still see them or did you manage to just blend them out? have you noticed a change in them over time?

Thanks for your help

04-02-14, 19:26

I'm really sorry to hear about your injury. Thanks really tragic. having so many floaters must be a challenge to deal with. Are some even visible with dim light when you focus on a white wall? mine are even visible at night when I'm looking at the TV from a distance or at a wall. It just really drives me nuts. How do you deal with them? :shades:

06-02-14, 13:53
Thanks for the posts ! So you guys think that even when I see this string of floaters everywhere I will get over it? It seems impossible to even entertain that thought at the moment. Has anyone felt like this too? I wonder if they will just be less visible or is it really the mind that blocks them out completely?

06-02-14, 21:16
I really love you for being so patient with me. I know I am totally consumed and I ask a lot of questions - Thanks for being there for me

Could you describe how the floaters look like in your case? also can you tell me if you see them under dim light conditions if you focus or if you see them when working on your PC?


08-02-14, 18:37
I have had eye floaters for years now about 8 years and i have had 2 eye tests that where fine ,Mine are black dots or lines when i look in sky i can see lots of bright dots and invisible floaters i all so have visual snow things just look fuzzy it scared the hell out of me but my wife and brother get the same thing when they focus on it it just us anxiety suffers that see it all the time and i no that because since i have had bad anxiety my eyes went a little weird still are.And i get major obsessed about them and count them every day but i got fed up with it because i just thought o well i can see.
If it starts to concern you to much get a eye test done that's what i did best to get a check up makes you feel a huge relief.:)