View Full Version : Work Issue

04-02-14, 19:30
Good Evening,

I wanted to ask opinion on a situation I am experiencing at work. Basically, I have been accused of an allegation that is deemed to be serious misconduct.

However, having talked the situation through with my Trade Union rep, he cannot see anything that has caused this to amount to serious misconduct.

I am so incredibly stressed by this all and just don't feel I have a future at the job anymore - as far as I am concerned, if the Trade Union rep is happy, then so am I and all I want to do now is leave.

Is there anything I can do because all I want to do is negotiate a settlement with the employer and just leave because quite frankly, I've had enough.

Any thoughts or suggestions as I just want this to reach its natural conclusion now as its driving me crazy.

Thank you

04-02-14, 19:47
Hi sorry to hear this ,if it was me I would stay and clear my name first ,then I would leave make sure they give you a good reference ,by the sound of them I wouldnt want to stay good luck xx dont let them beat you stay strong :D

04-02-14, 19:53
Thank you for your advice. I think I will email my TU rep as there's a few things I want to get off my chest.

04-02-14, 20:21
Keep in contact with your rep and make sure you have somebody to represent you at the investigatory and disciplinary meetings. Just remember that this is only work, once you leave you can get another one. I understand the stress, I've been in that situation before.

04-02-14, 21:04
Hi Rennie,
Thank you for your help. I plan to keep in contact with my Trade Union rep but if he is not concerned about the nature of the allegation then neither am I, really.

I've been through enough already and it has really taken its toll on my mental health.

Too true, if I did leave, I can always get another job, as you rightly say. I am just so depressed in my circumstances right now and all I want to do is walk away and start over.

I was thinking if they would come to some sort of settlement but whether or not they would accept that is another matter.

Anyway, thank you for your help.


04-02-14, 21:07
The rep will know your rights and the laws, to a degree, but not really knowing what the allegation is and the evidence they have it's hard to say much else.

I'm glad I could help, take care of yourself and I hope you get the result you want :)

04-02-14, 23:06
Glad to hear that you have got a union rep - I'm sure that he/she will do their best to help you through this. It's probably a good idea to have a chat about your options, as at the moment it's not a great idea to leave a job without another job to go to, unless you work in an area where it's easy to pick up work.

Your rep might suggest going and speaking to HR about this (if they're employee-friendly; in my experience as rep some are and some aren't). It's also a good idea to have a look at your employer's policies and see what they define as serious misconduct in case anyone is jumping the gun.

Also, if you haven't already done this, write down a timeline of everything that has happened around recent events as you will need this for the investigation. I'm sure your rep is very capable, but if you need another set of brains to pick, then drop me a PM (I'm a senior rep myself where I work).

05-02-14, 22:16
Can someone explain to me when sexual harrassment online becomes a serious offence? Many thanks.

05-02-14, 22:47

Notice from your flag you are in the UK. Don't know the specifics of the case but you may be covered by the equality act 2010. If you have suffered from anxiety for more than a year it is almost certain.

It may mean you need to disclose your condition if you haven't already done so, but then employers will be required to think about whether any issues relate to the condition and they have taken reasonable steps to support you in your job and in maintaining your health. Worth reading info on EHRC website, I find union reps are a little hit and miss.

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:45 ----------

Can someone explain to me when sexual harrassment online becomes a serious offence? Many thanks.

Oh and this is covered on the same website. The bar is pretty low in terms of harassment, basically any unwanted attention, criminal is a bit harder.