View Full Version : Depressed and looking to meet like-minded people who understand and don`t judge me

04-02-14, 20:51
Hi all :),

I`m Kevin, I`m 40 years old and I`ve suffered from depression and some anxiety on and off throughout my adult life. Also have issues with my skin and appearance and have previously had CBT for BDD. Due to bullying and things that happened during my childhood, I have a chronic lack of self-worth and self-esteem bordering on self-hatred.

Currently going through a really bad spell of depression. I`m signed off work, under the care of my local CMHT (currently waiting for them to decide what treatment/therapy I need) and I`m on Citalopram 40mg daily.

Apart from my wonderful sister and gorgeous nephews, I`m pretty isolated and lonely and find it hard to make/keep friends and partners. Recently thanks to some erratic behaviour due to my depression, I have lost contact with my best friend and I`m finding it hard to fill the gap that has been left in my life. She was the best thing in my life and I betrayed her trust and pushed her away and I hate myself for it.

Haven`t exactly painted a great picture of myself but if you haven`t been totally put off, I would love to meet, talk and chat to some of you lovely people on here - I get the impression that this is a place where people will understand and not judge me for having depression.

Hope you are all hanging in there and doing as well as can be expected.

Kevin :)

04-02-14, 20:58
Hello and welcome Kevin sorry to hear you had a rough time ,you will not be judged here people are lovely and understand you ,its helped me being here and im sure it will help you xx

04-02-14, 21:09
Hello and welcome Kevin sorry to hear you had a rough time ,you will not be judged here people are lovely and understand you ,its helped me being here and im sure it will help you xx

Thanks Mrs Stress Ed. :) Just been looking around the website and the size of it is quite overwhelming! Seems that every type of Mental health issue is covered on here so I`m hoping once I get to grips with the site, I`ll be able to both post some of my experiences and give support to other members on here. x

04-02-14, 21:23
You will soon get to grips with it before you know it ,and im sure you will be able to help others xx

04-02-14, 22:48
Hi Kevin, welcome to NMP. You've come to a great site where you will find a lot of support. No one will judge you here. I've suffered from depression and anxiety off and on for many years. I have found sound advice and friendship here. I hope that you find the same.

04-02-14, 22:50
hi kev
welcome to nmp
you will make loads of friends here and no one will judge you I can promise you that.
where abouts are you from as there are sometimes meet ups.
also the chat room is a good place to chat with people

05-02-14, 00:12
Hi Tanner40,
Thank you for the welcome.:)

Hi rach,
Thank you for the welcome too - I`m from Brighton. Had a look at the chat room earlier but apparently you have to have posted at least once and been a member on here for at least five days before you can enter. Will definitely take a look in there later on though and the idea of meeting up sounds a good one somewhere down the line.

Kev x