View Full Version : Coming off Facebook

04-02-14, 23:18
Anybody tried it? I'm bored of false friendships and I realise I know my real friends offline and use SMS more.

It's force of habit to log in but I deleted it a few weeks back and went back on o now post very little updates but I find it hard to as in so use to sharing so it annoys me I can't share. I just don't see the point in sharing my business with people I don't see now or reading about people I don't see.

I think facebook will go the way of bebo anybody else get anxious about all this trying to avoid social networking without being anti social or missing out on invites?

05-02-14, 09:37
I suppose it depends what you use it for. When I moved to London I used it to keep in contact with friends and family from my old home, now I use it to keep in contact with friends and in-laws from London. I don't often have mobile numbers or email addresses of my friends on Facebook.

I don't think Facebook will die anytime soon, millions of people use it daily and it's spreading its market to most age groups, and it produces a ridiculous amount of money.

For the reason above and for advertising my blog and creative writing work I won't be leaving social networking sites for a very VERY long time. I might have left if it weren't for those reasons.

05-02-14, 12:40
I love it and hate it. I love seeing daily posts from my friend Graham when he always has something amusing that he's sounding off about, and some old friends from the past I never see have good things to say.

However, I don't like the fact that I had people from work on there (all now deleted) who can see what i'm up to outside of work. If I go on a Stag Do and there's a picture of me looking a little worse for wear with a pair of Y-Fronts wrapped around my head do I really want the girl from I.T. I hardly speak to seeing it?

But mostly I really loathe getting notifications when I think it might be something interesting only to find Susie Watkins has challenged me to a game of "Jelly Splash" or some other BS!

05-02-14, 17:22
It's dying, finally, I know a few who've deleted it and I've cut a lot of it out

05-02-14, 19:07
I dropped Facebook years ago. Twitter for me.

05-02-14, 20:58
Well I don't believe for one minute that Facebook is dying or anywhere near dying for that matter!

It's used by billions of people world wide.

To be honest, I love it, I don't go out much due to my agoraphobia, so Facebook is kind of like my little social life, that may sound sad to some people but it suits me very well, as it does a lot of my friends.

You don't have to have "false friendships" it's up to you who you add and who you don't. Every single person on my Friends list is a "real" friend, I wont add anyone that isn't.

Still, each to their own, but I love it, I get lovely varied conversations everyday, I find it fun and a great way to meet new friends, I've made 5 new friendships via Facebook, all lovely people who I never would have met any other way :D