View Full Version : Can indigestion last this long?

05-02-14, 00:05
Hi everyone. Been feeling this way for about a week now and I keep telling myself it's indigestion and gas but I'm really worried it's something way worse... I have this feeling in my chest that I'm not getting enough air in (although I am) and that I have a dull ache all through my chest. (which I can't even tell if I'm really feeling that or not)
I've had problems with heartburn/acid reflux and indigestion for as long as I can remember, but is there a chance this could be something worse? I think I may of felt this way before but only for a day or two, not this long.

Any advice would be really appreciated, I'm going crazy over this. :(

05-02-14, 00:13
Melissa, sounds like classic anxiety symptoms to me. Take a look atbthe symptom list on the left side of the page. The more that we dwell on a particular symptom and worry about it, the longer it takes for it to go away. I've found acceptance to be the key for me. If I just settle down and talk rationally to myself, accepting the symptom, it eventually goes away.
What are you doing to help your anxiety! CBT, meditation, acceptance, mindfulnes, medication, counseling, etc...?

05-02-14, 00:19
I've been trying to be rational etc, but even when I think I'm not thinking about it... it comes back. I dunno I just feel crazy. I've never been able to distract myself from what I'm feeling.

I'm in counseling but she really just focuses on my depression, and won't really talk to me about my health worries, I feel like she doesn't get how serious it is to me? I'm not on any sort of medication because it always ends up I'm prescribed something and I don't end up taking it because I'm scared it will hurt me.

05-02-14, 02:07
Melissa, I've been there before. I've been afraid to take simple antibiotics at one time or another. There is a free CBT course online that I've found to be really helpful. If you want more information on it, let me know.

11-02-14, 00:23
Melissa, I've been there before. I've been afraid to take simple antibiotics at one time or another. There is a free CBT course online that I've found to be really helpful. If you want more information on it, let me know.

I would love some more info, thank you, I really appreciate it!

19-05-15, 18:42
Can I have the link to the free cbt course please x

06-08-15, 13:55
Heartburn and reflex can come and go. Anxiety will make it worse. Might be that.

06-08-15, 16:16
I get the same thing. I had indigestion type sensations for 2 straight weeks a while ago, was convinced it was a serious heart thing. Nothing in particular made it better or worse, and it was always around, pretty much 100% 24/7.

I struggled to believe it was anxiety too, but I guess it must be, since it's gone away now. Maybe it was indigestion that lasted a long time.

My approach now is "if it gets progressively worse, and stops you sleeping or walking or talking, then seek help. If it stays as it is, and doesn't get worse, and just stays stable, then it's probably nothing".

I don't know if that's safe or medically logical, so don't trust my opinion, but that's what I've been following.