View Full Version : scared i might have a blood clot in my lung but no chest pain?

05-02-14, 02:46
Hi I've had a pulled muscle feeling in my calf for the past week and the past few days i have noticed I've become short of breath. Just even walking renders me out of puff and my heart has been racing a lot too. I thought maybe i was imagining the whole thing, but something today really scared me because i was on the phone to a friend and halfway through talking she said are you okay? You sound like you're really out of breath and your breathing heavily too. And that has got me worried because now i know im not imagining it. I feel dizzy too.

Im really scared about blood clots they're my number one fear...i looked at symptoms of blood clots and a lot of people said they had shortness of breath but no chest pain so now im more anxious. I feel like im going to die.

Im going to my gp tomorrow about it but my gut feeling keeps telling me to go to a&e to get a more thorough workup..
But i don't wanna lapse back into that habit because it's already got me in trouble :(
I've had shortness of breath before but never as severe as this.
Im stuck as to what to do because i know my gp will just give me a quick lookover and im worried because clots are hard to diagnose without thorough tests...im back on this fear again it's all i ever think about!!! xx

05-02-14, 09:07
When situations like this arise for me, I reach for my trusty oximeter haha. Shortness of breath can feel very severe at times, but your oxygen is probably fine. If you're youngish, the likelihood of a clot is low, and would be low anyway unless you have varicose veins or were staying very stationary. Try and wait to see your doc, but the hospital is always there if you really feel you need it.