View Full Version : Need to talk to someone

05-02-14, 06:56

I have no one I can talk to and my anxiety is getting worse. I know thinking and over thinking isn't good but I am desperately trying to find dome solution to help myself.

I have had anxiety problems all my life but recently they have become unbearable. For the past months in work I have been doing a job I didn't want because so done else was off sick. It meant I had extra responsibility and had to manage other staff who resented me. I struggled on but I think the constant stress has worn me down and now I find even the smallest problem had to cope with.

I also had a lot of stress in my home life, I care for my 80 year old housebound mother, I am an only child.

But one of my main issues with anxiety comes from my partner, I don't mean to blame him because I don't think he realises what he us doing.
Firstly he has agoraphobia and never leaves the house alone, In fact he rarely leaves the house. He doesn't work but fills his time reading or listening to music.
He suffers from depression and it limits his daily activities so he lives in a bit of a world of his own. He stays up late at night and sleeps until lunchtime. If he gets disturbed he gets really annoyed and usually wears earplugs. He hates any kind of noise and even the traffic outside annoys him.

He has a problem with most of our neighbours, one plays his music when the window is open, it doesn't bother me but my partner gets very worked up. Another neighbour has a dog who barks but we also have a barky dog so we can't complain, again it doesn't bother me.

I think my partner is noise sinusitis because every noise annoys him, another neighbour fixes cars and sometimes leaves the engine running, it's just everyday noise but my partner gets so annoyed.

I find myself constantly trying to distract him, either by keeping all the windows closed and the doors or putting the radio on low.

My main fear and what causes my anxiety is that he will confront my neighbours, he has in the past and it caused a scene. We live in a busy area and at weekends there are always drunks walking past usually shouting.

If I suspect it is a noisy day I don't go out, I hang about the house trying to calm him down. It is just general everyday noise but he seems to take it all personally and I have a constant fear he will challenge one of the neighbours about it.

We can't afford to move and to be honest unless we live in a field there is always going to be noise. All day everyday I constantly worry that something will upset him, even children playing in the street put him in a bad mood.

I dread weekends because there is more likely to be noise and I live in a constant state of panic. I have told him how I feel and he assures me he will not react, but I know if he gets wound up enough he will.

The house next door has been getting work done, just usual hammering and sawing and I know he is annoyed by it. I feel like I a tip toeing around.

My anxiety has got so bad I am taking Diazepam just to blot it out. My fears has escalated and I keep fearing something bad is going to happen.

I have no idea what to do....

05-02-14, 11:46
You are in a position of having to take care of everyone it seems! Your husband, your mother, and the people at work and none of them seem able to co operate with you or at least express their gratitude. If I were you I would feel quite undervalued.
Your husband can't live like that forever, has he tried to get any help for his problems? How long has he been like this? It's not healthy for you or him, especially while caring for your mother.
The work thing seems temporary so you can look forward to the end of that.
As for managing your own anxiety, have you read "Self Help for your Nerves?" I feel it would be especially relevent for you and is a great comfort to many.
Hope things get better for you soon.

05-02-14, 13:35
Thanks for your reply, is that book you mentioned by Dr Clare Weekes?

05-02-14, 17:19

05-02-14, 19:33
Tell him to wear ear plugs all day !

I agree with previous poster. Not gonna do him any good housebound like that. I'd ask him what his plans are for his recovery.

Try and get your husband leading something resembling a normal life with a least a plan for recovery.
Try and get yourself out of that stressful situation at work and put yourself in one were your obvious ability is appreciated and welcomed.
And thirdly give yourself a medal for having the strength to juggle all of that whilst caring for your elderly mum !

---------- Post added at 19:33 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ----------

Plenty of websites out there offering support to carers
http://www.carersuk.org/support is one.

A quick google search for "carers forums" comes up with lots of results too.
No need to be going through that alone.

05-02-14, 21:47
I think you need to seriously go to your GP and get some help. You both can't carry on like this. You need support looking after your Mum. If you don't get support you'll crack and be ill and then who will look after you Mum and your Husband.

Make an appointment asap, and before you go WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN so you can give it to your GP and you won't forget things.

I wish you well.

05-02-14, 22:53
Have a look at this page, hope it helps

Carer Support (http://www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/yourself/timeoff/Pages/Accessingrespitecare.aspx)