View Full Version : im so annoyed with myself but im convinced i have chondrosarcoma

05-02-14, 10:50
This rib pain is driving me crazy. I can't rationalise at the moment. I can't see it as anything else other than bone cancer.
Of course I've been googling. It says that the pain may be present for years before diagnosis. I had rationalised thinking that after 6 months of pain, if it was serious I would be really ill by now. But apparently with chondrosarcoma, it is very slow growing and wouldn't present any other symptoms.
My doctor says the pain is muscular. But she also said to come back in a month if its still there. I'm too scared to go back. She will send me for tests.I'm terrified of being diagnosed with bone cancer.
The only thing keeping me sane at the moment is that bone cancer pain is usually worse at night. Mine isn't.I sleep all night without pain.
I know I shouldn't Google but its too late to tell me that now.I can't unread things. I can't see how such a small, right sided area of my ribs could hurt for 6 months because of anxiety. it can't be anxiety causing the pain. Its the pain causing the anxiety. I don't know what to do.

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ----------

By the way... im 29. My age risk goes up at 30

05-02-14, 12:41
Hanging Basket, anxiety creates tension in muscles, tendons, which all connect to our rib bones. When we google, we find the worst possible things to have our minds dwell on. What you're describing could be many things, none of which are a scary, terminal diagnosis.
It's obvious that you need reassurance on this and no one here can give that to you. Go see your doctor if that's what you need to do, but be prepared to trust what your doctor tells you.
In the meantime, what are you doing to help ease your anxiety? What tools are you putting into place that might help you in this battle. If you had cancer, you would have to take treatments and possibly medication. Anxiety is the same, in that it might not kill you but it will not get better without treatment of some kind.

05-02-14, 12:47
Basket, it doesn't have to be anxiety but guess what, it doesn't have to be cancer either :) There are million reasons for the pain-bad posture, muscle sprain, strain, pinched nerve...Bone sarcoma in your age is EXTREMELY rare-as far as I know, it's childhood cancer, mainly.

Since I play football (not professionally, of course, but fairly consistently), I had a lot of muscle and bone pains and slight injuries-the tests are very short and easy. X-ray of the bone will reveal everything. It lasts 10 minutes (tests and results), there's no waiting and it's really nothing scary. It's like a radiograph at the dentist's.

I'd suggest to go back to your doctor and have that bone x-rayed. When it is done (and I am convinced it will show nothing sinister), you'll definitely know that your pain is either muscular or anxiety related.

05-02-14, 13:58
I am debating going to a & e rather than my gp, purely for the fact that I know that with a gp referral, results from a chest xray take 10 days. I can't cope with 10 days. If I go to a&e I'll find out straight away.
I'm terrified though. I've passed the stage of running to the doctor every week, now I'm too scared to go. She felt the area when I asked her about it in December and said she couldn't feel anything wrong with the bone and it seemed muscular. Would she be able to feel something abnormal if it were bone cancer?

I have a lot of tools for my anxiety. Many CBT techniques from both the online course and my group sessions. I practice progressive muscle relaxation and hypnosis and am on medication.

I just don't know what to do this time. I'm terrified. I'm too scared to see the doctor again. I'm also too scared not to.

05-02-14, 14:44

In this environment, what can one do to help? Advise, rationalize, offer reassurance (not good) etc.

Nicola posted a response to a thread question asking if anyone had realized their worst fears. Her answer was "no". I too have yet to see anyone diagnosed with the cockamamie things that Google brings up either.

I believe this will be the case in this instance as well.

Positive thoughts

05-02-14, 15:35
A&E is for accidents and emergencies - this is neither to be honest so please don't abuse the system.

05-02-14, 16:10

I understand your fears as I too worry over cancer because of family history etc. But you have to follow your doctors advice. go back and see them, I know if they refer you, you have to wait but it's something you just have to do. It's an awful thought and to me personally cancer is my worst nightmare and certainly what started off my HA because I have swollen nodes. My best advice would be DO NOT GOOGLE AGAIN.. and go and see your gp.. sending a friendly welsh hug x

05-02-14, 18:36
You sure it isn't costochondritis? I've gotten a LOT of costochondritis ever since I got sick with something unrelated, and anxious. I've had certain sore spots in my ribs and back for a year now. I was sent for a chest CT and there wasn't anything there. It just seems to be where I get strained from breathing hard.

05-02-14, 19:39
I'm not sure about costochondritis. Its crossed my mind but it seems that you have to have tender spots. I don't really. It doesn't usually hurt to touch or when pressure is applied.