View Full Version : how many if you feel like yr anxisty and fear consume yr every minute every day

05-02-14, 11:49
I just feel like there is no room in my mind for anything but my anxiety and fears I sort of do my house work but mind never on what I am doing its always on how I am feeling I feel I ave got no interest in anything don't enjoy anything I just feel I am surving every battle with myself every day does this make sence to anyone take care x

05-02-14, 11:55
I know exactly how you feel. For me every second of the day is a battle. Its taking all my strength just to hold my tears in.

05-02-14, 11:57
Yes it's the same for me, I push myself so hard to just do things to take my mind off it but if I am having a bad few days, as I am, no matter what I do I am just consumed in negative thoughts & my mind is never clear it's so intense.

It just take over my whole life & gets in the way of my relationships with my kids & wife, when I am like this my mind just turns on itself & it's all about me & how I am feeling. At the time it feels like it will never end but it does or at least gets better but I know that knowing this does not help at the time because we are so wrapped up in our negative thoughts.

05-02-14, 12:12
Its so sad i no it like there is nothing in the world but you and your awful problems and I honestly can't find anything that distract me from myself and yep I am wore out with long battle of serving the day xx

05-02-14, 13:04
we should all try fight through it today. That's what I'm going to try and do. I've been crying all morning but I'm going to try really hard today

05-02-14, 13:17
I know it feels like we are the only one's in the world fighting this but we all know we are not alone, that's why I come here to see that I may feel alone but others feel the same as well, I wish we didn't.

05-02-14, 14:08
It is a horrible condition to have but you can get better. I recommend the book At Last a Life, it has really helped me.

05-02-14, 14:28
It is a horrible condition to have but you can get better. I recommend the book At Last a Life, it has really helped me.

Seconded....it's brilliant

05-02-14, 14:40
Every minute of everyday is a battle. Like it envelopes me x

05-02-14, 14:46
Same here, although I'm getting better, slowly. I changed my battle into a hug of acceptance :)

Have a great day everyone!

05-02-14, 15:22
Hi Trish

I know how you feel and I completely empathise with you. When my anxiety is bad it just takes over everything, and when it dies down my life is 'normal' again.

I went through a bad phase this time last year and ended up having 10 weeks off work. When I eventually felt well enough to return to work and carry on with my life as normal instead of spending all day doing nothing and only just managing to get dressed, I told myself that I would look after myself more and not let myself become so unwell again.

Fast forward to now and I am feeling anxious and having panic attacks again.
I know I am not helping myself because I restarted all the things I gave up when I felt so awful last year. I have started drinking alcohol again, and caffeine too - I drink loads of tea through the day-with sweeteners in too. I try to eat well but at the moment I don't want to eat anything at all until later in the day. Exercise at the moment is pretty much non existent - due to the bad weather our lovely long walks in the countryside have temporarily stopped - I think we would sink up to our necks in the mud!

I think you need to find something that you have enjoyed doing previously or are interested in. Even something little like a crossword or games on Facebook - whatever it is that distracts you for a while and don't worry about housework too much. If you feel like doing it - fine, but otherwise just stick to the basic necessary stuff. I can get depressed about jobs around the house and with my OCD personality tell myself that I have to vacuum or iron so I can relax afterwards. That just puts extra stress on the day when I'm already anxious.

Take care

05-02-14, 15:37
Thanks for the replies I am struggling to find anything to distract me its like I ave no emotions at all but the fear which I guess is an a motion just wish I could loose the fear of it all its draining me of any energy I can't begin right now to say how I feel just wish it would give me a break take care xx as for eating I am struggling there to

05-02-14, 15:37
I know that feeling only too well, my anxiety is in my mind most of the time whatever I am doing, my other half can't understand it, if only he knew how lucky he is not to feel like it, although he has other problems like having to have a new hip but I would rather have that at least I would know that it was going to get better. x

05-02-14, 15:51
My hubby and son don't get it either its to hard to explain to them even wen you try they say sum at like yeah but you need to ignore at and get on with life if only it was that easy none of us would be on here I am sick and tire of looking g for answer I have read so many books tried so many therapies yet still fighting to get through every day xx