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05-02-14, 12:06
hi hope everyones ok just thought Id share my journey so far my names kris 30 generally healthy male

I can only think what started my crippling anxiety was about 5 years ago I lifted a heavy object and it dug in my chest it didnt cause any damage but must have hit a nerve causing shooting chest pains for weeks after and resulting in me calling 999 worried sick anyway it snowballed and I developed Pure O,intrusive thoughts along with OCD the lot rumination took over

as far as I was concerned someone was talking to me inside my head telling me to do the worst things ever that I didnt want to do but the worst thing was the anxiety actually gave me the urge to carry out these violent thoughts trouble was if i was on my own the 'voices' turned on me I got no rest and ended up in my local mental hospital for 3 months on having never carried out these terrible things that is the crippling thing bout anxiety it plagues you but nothing generally ever happens. my physcologist was brilliant he absolutely destroyed my pure O by coming to me one day and saying look your 27 no major criminal records and suddenly your minds telling you to be a serial killer but you dont want to be a a serial killer and people who are serial killers love being serial killers the relief was fantastic !!!!!!!!

anyway it turned into depression the next couple of years but ive got by drank quite a lot was put on olanzipine to relax my mind etc

fast forward to 4 months ago and I was involved in a traumatic event I presumed i was going to die my heart rate went through the roof and what freaked me out more was my chest cramped up and I presumed it was my heart... now when you have an off the scale PA your body sort of shuts down your limbs to protect your vitals this is no relief when your looking at your left arm and it looks blue and sort of madame tussauds look to it PANIC ontop of PANIC

anyway i was rescued had all the tests everything fine, but sadly Ive had regular mini versions of these panic attacks sadly its all I think about I presume every day is my last day due to all my anxiety good old anxiety again nothing ever does happen !!!!!!!!!

someones told me its called the curse and blessing of the Panic attack Im so happy to be alive I dont drink much anymore or take recreational drugs like I was and my business is great and I have a beautiful daughter its just sadly always on my mind majorly debilitating!!! Atenolol seems to be working

everyone take care and on the bright side i never grinded my teeth once whilst I typed this as me mind was occupied haha!!

ta for reading

blue moon
06-02-14, 00:29
Hi and welcome:D

Petra x

06-02-14, 02:14
Hi, OhWell,

Glad you're here!!

You've found a great site full of amazing people that will be able to understand and support you!

06-02-14, 09:22
thank you