View Full Version : Odd bumps/small rash on lower back (pic attached)

05-02-14, 12:12

Read around the net and couldn't find an exact reason/diagnosis for whatever this is. Closest thing I came to was some sort of heat rash, but I live in a currently cool climate (North Carolina) and haven't taken a steamy hot shower in a while (roommate takes all the hot water...lol).

Some background...

I just noticed this a few hours ago. It very mildly feels like it itches - but it's more of a small annoyance than anything. I just recently moved into a different apartment and I am wondering if maybe the futon I use (bed bugs?) could be a culprit. I've also recently bought some new clothes and wonder if not washing them first might have something to do with it (undershirts, coat).

My bed has new sheets on it as well - just seems too localized to be the bed or sheets. But I really don't know at this point. If it's something serious, obviously I'm heading to a doctor. But I currently do not have insurance (not covered until next month) so - if it's not, I'd like to self medicate.

Any advice appreciated! Looks like a good place to share info - glad I found it.

05-02-14, 13:02
Hello and welcome ,I get rashes that come and go all the time ,when im stressed it brings it on and my skin gets so itchy ,if your worried best to get it checked out ,im sure you will be okay :D

05-02-14, 17:30
It could be causeg by anything really, give it a week and see if it clears up on it's own.

08-02-14, 12:11

Seems to be getting a little worse before it gets better. Been using Cortisone cream and it hasn't been itching at all, oddly enough (just looks like it would itch). I dunno...it seems a little teethy for a random stress rash or something.

I noticed I read something on maculopapular rashes having to do with excesses in Niacin. I do take 5 hour energy regularly. Could be the culprit?

08-02-14, 12:22
Iwouldn't keep putting cortisone on it till you know what it is. maybe ask a pharmacist tohave a look at it?

08-02-14, 21:37
That looks very similar to the rash that you get with impetigo or with any bacterial or viral skin infection.

My advice is to get this checked with your doctor, as if it is bacterial, you will need some antibiotic cream to clear it up.

But we can all say that it looks like this, or it maybe that, but that isn't really going to help you, you need a doctor to properly diagnose this and then treat it, so that's the road that I think you should be going down at this point.