View Full Version : What's your "one"?

05-02-14, 14:51
My one is the heart

I have made a lot of progress with my health worries but I can't shake my one.

I wake up with a racing heart every morning and I think about my heart pretty much all day my biggest fear like I have said before is sudden cardiac death I don't know why I was able to shake all my other fears and this one just won't go away. I think part of the reason is I have a constant reminder, having been diagnosed with sleep apnea and a heart enlargement because of it every night I have to put my cpap machine on and every morning I have to take it off and it's a reminder that all is not ok with my heart.

I want to slay this dragon but my sword doesn't seem like it's strong enough to deal with my "one"

05-02-14, 15:26
Mine is my heart also. I get terrible chest and arm pains aswell as other symptoms. But unfortunately my doctor's just dissmising everything

05-02-14, 15:47
It's funny because I don't have a "one" once I obsess over a disease I never obsess over that same disease.

05-02-14, 15:54
Mind is a fear of fainting because constant dizziness :hugs:

05-02-14, 16:03
Mines melonoma...

05-02-14, 16:03
Mine's lymphoma because I have swollen nodes and my father died from a similar cancer.

05-02-14, 16:06
It's a little ironic, but mines a fear of something wrong with my head :blush:

05-02-14, 16:12
Bless you LunaLiuna x

05-02-14, 16:14
mine is my brain. Tumor, aneurysm, stroke, etc.

having an MRI today for sinuses/tinnitus.... kind of scared to death about getting the results. I mentioned my HA to my ENT, specifically brain tumors and she just sort of smiled and said "we'll see if that's there too". she was being very kind and joking around but admittedly I was sort of relieved to finally have a look at my brain after all these years.

05-02-14, 16:29
When I first experienced HA, it was hiv, which I now have a very good knowledge of as a result.
Its now ms and.neuro type things.

05-02-14, 19:48
Mine is breathing-related.....I always worry about choking or suffocating, or my lung muscles freezing up.....This worrying makes me overbreathe, which just makes the whole thing worse.
I know everything's fine, but I just can't shake this fear.....

Orange Lightning
05-02-14, 20:18

Honestly, nothing has taken over my life for as long as this. It's been a whole year and it won't stop. The worst part is, some people say it is due to anxiety, some people have literally called me mad for even considering that. I can't cure it, I can't take my mind off it. It's hell, and I'm only 22. :(

05-02-14, 20:19
it's awful, because there are days when I somehow manage not to think about it at all, but sometimes I just want to cry because I feel so helpless

05-02-14, 22:56
Mine is my heart because I have loads of palpitations (pvc's) most days. Cannot get it through my head that they are harmless. I tell you what though, I had some more serious gynae issues about 6 months after the palpitations started and that certainly took my mind off them for a while. An anxious, tired mind will look for something to focus on - if it wasn't my heart it would probably be another issue. That in itself should be enough to tell us that we aren't really ill, it's just our mind bluffing us again.

06-02-14, 15:25
Mine is the big C. Mainly breast, but anything cancer. I've been through patches where I'm convinced I'll be dead before I'm 30.

06-02-14, 21:20
Anything heart related. I think this came about because of family members and my husband having cardiac issues.

06-02-14, 21:33
right now... it's bone cancer.

but I've gone through bowel cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain tumour, melenoma.. so yeah.. cancer is my 'one'.

At least I can type the word now. Took a long time to be able to do that. Felt like it was tempting fate.