View Full Version : anyone else have these symptoms

05-02-14, 17:27
So I'm getting myself a bit uptight because I've been having some symptoms. I'm trying to tell myself they could all be anxiety related but as most of you know, the little voice is always saying it's something else.

For quite a while now I keep feeling like I'm coming down with something but this is the weird thing.

I get up in the morning and feel ok, as the day goes on I start feeling hot, have a bit of a headache and seem to get a really dry scratchy throat.

I've taken my temperature lots of times and it's always normal but my face feels like it's burning, the throat thing isn't stopping me eating or drinking it's just that dry scratchy feeling you get before a cold but it's never as bad at the weeken.

I've also noticed that last week I felt really rotten, went off to do my evening course for Beauty Therapy and had a facial and by the time I came out I felt fine. I also find my symptoms seem better at the weekend.

So I keep thinking if it was something else surely I'd feel bad all the time?

So symptoms are

Feeling hot/burning face
Dry Scratchy Throat
Headache, the sore that feels like you need to inhale some menthol or something to clear it.
Generally feeling like I could cry!

Does this sound like anxiety? Or I even thought maybe it's the airconditioning/heating at work causing it?


05-02-14, 18:13
To me it sounds sinus related, especially as you mentioned the air conditioning.

I'd imagine the crying feeling was caused by worrying.

You'll be fine, just get something to get rid of the congestion, hope you feel better soon! :)