View Full Version : Losing job after 15 years

05-02-14, 18:01
Hi all,

I've been plagued with anxiety for most of my life but it didn't really cause issues until the last 15 years when I started a new job.

I managed to get myself through some really horrific breakdowns due to one thing or another and over the past 5 years or so, have felt the anxiety has been under control.

In August last year, IT in our NHS trust got taken over by a 3rd party and we were warned of redundancies, everything was changing and I felt ok with this. Unfortunately, on Dec 23rd, I was one of those made redundant after 15 years of service. I didn't feel too bad about things and felt relatively ok about the future. I decided I'd wait for Christmas to pass before looking for work.

Now the time has come, I've got a good CV in order and registered with agencies and I'm now starting to get calls about jobs but the phone calls just feel like threats! I didn't realise how much change distresses me until this past week. I just think back to the past 15 years of building relationships with colleagues and the trust that comes with that and just can't face going through it all over again. At the minute I feel like I want to hide under the quilt and scream at everyone to go away other than my family and friends. What I'd really like to feel is excitement about a new job and meeting people but today, I feel an absolute mile away from that.

Not too sure what to do right now. A company has shown interest in my CV and has called me back today with regards to setting up an interview but I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone!

I'm feeling pretty confused as I love to be out, have no problem speaking to people I don't know and striking up friendships.

I think it's the feeling of pressure at being put on the spot in an interview and if actually getting a post, being in an environment of people that I just don't get along with. I'm very easy going, appear relaxed on the outside and usually tend to get on with most people.

Arghhhh what to do.... :doh:

05-02-14, 19:04
I can completely relate. I've always had bad job anxiety. Always carried around worries about safe jobs coming to an end. I'm talking massive anxiety at the thought of a job ending and what comes next.

I think you've built up a lot of confidence and you are in friend making mode. In my opinion the longer you leave it before jumping into the next role the more confidence you'll lose. I'd ensure you try the next job as soon as possible.
You know as soon as youre in there you'll see individuals you like and you'll already be settling into it and hoping there's no more change.
While you're out the fear will only get bigger.
You might even feel better once it's done because it's not hanging over you anymore.
Be constructive. See what's on offer. Make a short list of the things you know you like in a job and try and choose the option that gives you that. If none seem ideal take the best one and keep looking at the offers you're given for something that ticks all your boxes.

You sound confident in your cv so I'm sure you'll ultimately find a role you're happy with.

05-02-14, 19:06
It's all strange because you haven't been in this situation for 15 years and you will feel anxious. Please answer your phone when it rings, I have a friend who won't answer his phone when I have good news for him and it's frustrating. You could have a brilliant job offer with an increase in your money.

I'd be anxious if someone rang me about a job - so would the majority of people in this country.

If you can ring the company who called you, do so and make an excuse that you were away from your phone. They won't know the reason you didn't answer.

Go for it - even with the anxiety.

15-02-14, 20:19
Thank you both so much for the replies. You'll never guess what....

The day after this post I had an interview with said company. 20 minutes after being back home, I got a call offering me the post which I took!

Now my heart is constantly pounding about starting on Monday. Everything has happened so suddenly! Eeeeeeek!

I'm just going to go in there, be really friendly and hopefully enjoy learning the post!

I just can't believe it, my first interview in nearly 16 years!!! Waaahhhh :scared15:

16-02-14, 08:13
That's great news :-)

You've definitely done the right thing getting right back in there while you're strong.

They want you because you've got all of that fresh work place experience and not only because they're happy with your skills.

You should be confident going in there on Monday.

You wouldn't be human if you're heart wasn't pumping anticipating Monday. It's your adrenaline kicking in ensuring you're sharp and are going to give it your best.