View Full Version : Hi, an Introduction, any advice/support appreciated.

05-02-14, 19:46

For about 6 years I have had what I was told was GAD. I think it has been quite mild as I never let it get in the way of me proceeding with Life, work, marriage, children. I tend to find it is manageable but have had periods of a few days/week where i am constantly on edge.

Vocalizing my thoughts to a psychiatrist (he grilled me and just said i worry to much) and to a psychologist she diagnosed me with GAD. Basically my thoughts were all of a basis of "What If I" so not worried about things happening to me but more like "What if I do something really silly now in this meeting", "What if i do this inappropriate action" etc... I told them my psychologist 6 years back and as i mentioned she said it was GAD.

I know if my mind is diverted by doing something else or I am relaxed the anxiety is calmed and then if i maintain this for several days it the anxiety in the main disappears.

Anyhow I recently went on holiday with my family, and came back a week ago, the rest of my family dont return for another 2 weeks. This is the first time I have been on my own for a very long long time, so am wondering if this is what is responsible for the onset of quite a horrible bout my anxiety.

I guess my questions are:

1) Is it GAD or OCD that I have, do GAD have "what if I" thoughts
2) I think its a combination of missing my wife and kids and the fact that its a big change of routine for a few weeks that has knocked me for 6. I am still going to work, but am constantly on edge and worrying.
3) I am a little nervous to investigate anxiety lots as I believe knowledge is power and might help, but investigating means that I focus on the anxiety so does that help?
4) Is there any internet stuff (CBT, relaxation texhniques or teh similar that folks have found helped them if they had similar condition).

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. I think when my family get back hopefully will relax again, as I always found them to be very calming and that's I guess what helped minimize my anxiety.

I have found exercise to help so am off to do some now.


05-02-14, 22:02
hi violent thoughts or what some people believe is a voice in there head is called Pure O it is a horrible extension of anxiety its the obsession without the compulsion disorder part

yours are what ifs? mine were do it do it do it its just a different approach from the same seed!

pure O people obsess over things they usually find disgusting and theres no CD part because theyd be in prison if they carried out the compulsion

infact my part of the compulsion was to hide all the knives because I THOUGHT I was going to stab someone i loved

anxiety again ay you think your gonna do this you think youve got cancer you think your gonna be a violent serial killer

your most likely a great family person whos never hurt anyone

take care

06-02-14, 10:32
Hi, thanks for reply. My what ifs are more about what if I do sometging silly like walk funny, say the word potato in a meeting etc... yes I did have the scary thouggts but funny enough I can manage those which is why I guess I have far fewer ones of those. So would this still be OCD or GAD still?

There was a period where it was rock bottomy but as I have been there I know that recurrances are just that but I guess as im on my own at present and friends all working im not managing to keep myself busy hence why its kinda bad. I am quite lucky as i dont let it limit me and go to work, gym etc...the fact that I can sugguests that its mild but still is quite scary at times.

Thaks so much for your reply.

06-02-14, 11:22
hi your attaching emotion to your thoughts of embarassing yourself etc so if im right you get the same thoughts regularly ?

this is still called Pure O it does not contain the Compulsion because youve never actually shouted out potatoe its something to do with your mind putting things that bother you in the reloop bin

so it plagues your head like someone tapping your window especially when your minds not occupied..... thats in a serious case btw

youll probably find it manipulates itself to whatever scenario your in yes the root of the cause is most likely a generalised anxiety disorder

im not a doctor but i hope ive given you a fair enough explanation


06-02-14, 18:39

Yep that's pretty much it, what's frustrating is i know how it has happened, something triggered me into assessing any situation i am in and thinking what would be very inappropriate, any how for some reason it stuck and now my mind is trained to do that when i am anxious or sometimes when it happens it triggers the anxiety.

I have managed to form a habit, what at least is a help is when i am relaxed or enjoying myself it happens far less. I have gone through bouts of it over the last few years, and think this bout is because I am missing my family and have nowt but my own company at the moment, as friends are all working during the week and have thier own lives. Last time I started to get into relaxation techniques but it dissapeared.

I guess I wonder if researching and looking for relaxation techniques and CBT just reminds me I have it, or even with that in the main it generally always helps to do that?

Thanks for your responses. Help is always appreciated.

07-02-14, 11:35
hi researching sometimes can trigger new problems take faith in what weve said and the fact you are acknowledging it

my physcologist was excellent he said we have all thoughts some thoughts are disturbing some seem laughable but there exactly the same a THOUGHT thats the trouble with anxiety to much thinking

youve got a very over creative mind probably thats what I had and it bloody turned on me lol