View Full Version : Did i do this wrong?

06-02-14, 08:22
Hi all

I've just thought... did i drop my cit the wrong way? I went from 40mg to 20mg instantly i didn't wean off it or anything?? Was this too fast or kinda like going "cold turkey"?

06-02-14, 08:57
40 to 20 is a big drop, would you not have consiered going to 30 first? I'm tapering at the moment and I'm going very slowly. I was on 30 for a short period, reduced to 20 without any issues and now I'm on 15.

06-02-14, 09:18
I said to my dr. i wanted to drop from 40 to 20 and they just gave me 20mg right away but im wondering if it was too big a drop

06-02-14, 10:00
I would go more slowly. 40-30 and then 30-20. You should only reduce afte your body has settled and got used to each reduction.

06-02-14, 10:04
I went from 40 to 20 about a month and a half ago which is a long time but... the drug does
take a month or 2 to actually work so am i right in thinking that changes in dosage effects would be around the same sort of time??

I've been getting side effects recently... dry mouth, lack of taste, distorted taste, wierd nasty taste in mouth, fuzzy wierd feeling on forehead almost like a tickle which i have not has since i started the meds... and... sexual anhedonia I've had the Sexual anhedonia before but not as often as i do now... with all this happening I'm really thinking i've made a mistake dropped so fast and by so much...?

I don't think 20mg agree's with me or.. I dropped too fast and I've got myself into some sort of relapse or withdraw???

All these new symptoms are really playing with my health anxiety so any reassurance is greatly recieved.

Annoying :(

06-02-14, 10:28
if you feel really bad you could go back up to 30 and see if things settle. That said, you have made it this far on 20 so maybe you could ride it out and wait a period before trying to reduce again? There is bound to be an element of withdrawel but don't let that fool you into thinking your still ill. Listen to your body, there is a difference between feeling sick from the meds and feeling mentally unwell. Don't get upset, going back up is not a sign your unwell, it just means your not ready.

06-02-14, 11:11
Thank you for your reassuring words, I will certainly stay on 20mg. I might even wean myself off the med completely and seek therapy. I'm abit sick and tired of these side effects. That being said though... apparently withdrawal symptoms can last months even years after you have come off the meds so could be a long journey.

It's a shame doctors don't warn you about this sort of thing before you actually go on them...

06-02-14, 12:58
It's a shame doctors don't warn you about this sort of thing before you actually go on them...

I always think this when I see my GP.

You have a ten(ish) minute slot to make some very big decisions about your life and this really isn't long enough to discuss all the ins and outs.