View Full Version : Newbie Here

06-02-14, 10:47
Hi All ,
Just joined up to have a look on these forums for advice.
I have just been diagnosed with GAD .

Long story short....... I had labyrinthitis 3 years ago and was off work for three months with it. I have never felt the same and always felt the illness had never left me. But in the last few months my GP reckons I have GAD as a result of labyrinthitis !

Anyway , last week I was prescribed Citalopram and was just wonder what peoples thoughts on this are :)

06-02-14, 17:20
I have been on Citalopram 20mg for about 4 weeks now. It does help, but the first week or two can be truly hell, and make you feel worse. Don't expect immediate results, but hang in there with it. I feel better for it, although life can still get in the way. Pm me anytime if you want to talk...and welcome...

06-02-14, 17:28
I found Citalopram helped me sleep. Didn't have any noticable affect on mood or anxiety, but I was only on it for about a month, on 2 occasions - I had to stop because the sexual side-effects were unbearable for me (this happens with most ADs unfortunately, apart from mirtazapine)

Welcome to the forum, by the way.


06-02-14, 17:33
Hi :welcome: to the forum , I don't take citalopram so can't comment about this medication but I do have GAD and I am sure you will find this forum as helpful as I do.

07-02-14, 09:54
Thanks for the replies !

I was given the Cit last Friday , but I haven't take it yet because reading about the side effectcs has put the frighteners on me.
Well Im off work for a week as off today so I will start them today and see how we go from there .

Thanks folks ! :yesyes:

07-02-14, 12:45
Hi MB, have you been prescribed 10mg to start?

The higher your dose the more liklihood of side effects. I am 8 weeks in at 40mg and my body now seems to be acclimatising. Have to say that I do feel better for taking it.