View Full Version : Hello there

06-02-14, 11:13

I have been nervous and anxious since I was a kid, I was the one called quiet because I didn't feel able to initiate a conversation, but who was dying to speak.

After many years of attempting to push through anxiety, force myself to get over it and be strong, ignore the pain, fatigue and depression it got too much for me and I finally asked for help as the alternative wasn't worth thinking about.

I am now medicated and 'enjoying' the many side effects it brings, whilst planning to return to work and engage in a different, healthier way with life.

Have found this board useful in seeing people going through a similar journey, long distance for me to still travel, but at least I feel I am going in the right direction.

Happy to talk and help, tend to know a decent amount abou uk employment law and disability.

06-02-14, 21:01
Welcome Zeitgeist!

Good to see your planning for the future :)