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View Full Version : Help me stop it

06-02-14, 11:59
Hi I'm a 16 year old girl and I am currently suffering from depression and severe health anxiety. I have an obsession with my lymph nodes and I was in class earlier and I have made some of them swell up a little from touching them behind my ear so much. Does anyone else do this and how do you stop yourself.

06-02-14, 13:08
Helloo Michy,

I'm not sure if you remember me from your first post but yes I do it! I'm also sixteen as well.

I think the trick is to notice every time you get the urge. Then you can work on ways to either accept or occupy yourself with something else, I think I told you that knowing the normal size helped me a lot. I also use to tell myself that if I wanted to know if I had something I would notice easier by not touching them. Because if I keeped touching them it was obviously going to make them bigger therefore I'd always be confused.

I hope that makes a little sense.

I'm sure your going to be fine, maybe talk to someone about it like a friend or family member. If you can't then me and many others are here for you, just message :)

Good luck, I'm sure you can get through this.