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06-02-14, 12:15
hi guys, hope you're all well. just thought i'd give a quick update.:)

I had my doctors appointment today relating to some bowel problems i've been having and other strange symptoms. he gave me a thorough check (wasn't pretty) and said it's nothing serious and that my stomach symptoms add up to IBS. He said the blood test and exam would have shown irregularities if there was anything serious. IBS is far from pleasant but i feel relieved that some of my symptoms now have a diagnosed medical cause that can improve over time.

I showed him a picture of the facial rash and he said it didn't resemble a Lupus rash and looked more like eczema which i suffer from on my elbows and legs. I also discussed the trembling i've experienced in my left hand and he said it was a low grade tremor which didn't resemble anything serious (i.e parkinsons) and did a quick nose to finger test which i passed with flying colours. I'm still a bit worried about the tingling i've had on my head and in my feet over the last few days+ the hand trembling and body vibrations in my head, back and legs. MS seems to be my worry again but i've passed neurological exams, eye tests and optic nerve exams so i'm trying my best to rationalise these symptoms.

I'm still feeling positive although the symptoms persist, a lot of aches and pains! On a positive note my dizziness has improved a lot although it still comes in spells. I had my 2nd CBT session yesterday and it went well, i discussed a lot of issues i didn't know had even bothered me in the past. It's strange how we can be oblivious to our high anxiety and stress but subconsciously it affects us deeply. My therapist said she was impressed with the progress i've made and she gave me a lot of praise which is always nice.

I'm joining the gym soon which i'm quite worried about as i get palpitations and head pains a lot but i'm going to go and try to ease my way back into things, i'm hoping it will go okay.

hope everyone is doing okay and keeping those dragons at bay!

06-02-14, 13:17
Well done Dave!

It really is great to see you putting that dragon in his cage ;)

I know what you mean regarding how deep and ingrained our anxiety can run, I was just writing in my diary last night and somehow managed to remember my first panic attack, which all these years later I had never thought of as one. it's amazing what a little externalising can do.

I'm also glad to see you found two harmless causes for the rash and bowel problems :)

Ease your way into the gym, you'll do fine!

Oh and I read that apparently Arsenal are going to have at least 80m to spend every January for the foreseeable future according to gazidis, I don't know if that's true but well, it's an amazing if it is!

Have a good day :)

06-02-14, 14:09
Great news Dave :)
Good to hear your feeling better and progressing with the CBT :)

06-02-14, 14:11
thanks Luna,

it's so strange. until it's actually discussed you're oblivious to it. even when i was a child i used to always worry about things and it progressed through my teens up to now just bubbling away. Yeah the rash isn't good cos it flares up so randomly but he said it didn't resemble anything he was concerned about which can only be a good sign.

I don't know whether to start with cardio or weights to build myself up, it's annoying cos before this i was actually in a good gym & diet routine which consumed my thoughts rather than illness!

wow! never heard that news till now, that must be music to your ears if true! Wenger is still tight even when money's available though, i really want you to win the title but Chelsea & City have a good run of games coming up & your squad looks thin with a tough run in!

fedup36- thank you! it's still not great symptom wise but i'm feeling more positive and confident in myself. I'm glad i can stop worrying about my gurgling stomach, abdominal pains and toilet problems now they've been checked out.

Hope you're both well :)

06-02-14, 14:41
I would do what you can to be honest, nothing to strenuous. And don't be alarmed if your not as fit as you were, I know I recently started jogging again and although I could still run as far as I could before, it really took it out of me when I was done.

Maybe try filling up on protein etc for a couple of days before the gym, or just going for walks. Basically don't just jump into the deep end! haha :)

We definitely do have a hard run of games! Man utd, Man c, Liverpool, Chelsea,Bayern, it's going to be more than a test. I agree with Wenger being tight with money, if he had spent it a week or two ago we would of been in with a much better chance.

I'm doing great thank you, I'm just about to go for an early jog which is going to be interesting as I never go out during the day.
