View Full Version : feeling rather low again but also agitated

06-02-14, 15:47
Feeling low but agitated again. Really fed up with this. On second line meds ( escitalopram) after increasing doses of fluoxetine stopped being effective. In all been on meds for 19 months plus cbt. Gp has referred me to psychiatrist 3 weeks ago but haven't heard anything yet. Not sure if I should see Gp again in the meantime. She said come back if 'really low'. Not sure if this counts. Any thoughts?

07-02-14, 14:30
I would personally say, from experience, fight on!

don;t keep going back to the doctor, messign with meds and dosage isnt good but somehow seems to be what doctors think you need...

release your agitation but going for a walk, some fresh air... or punch a cushion or your sofa cushion!! i do, and when im feeling really super low, i do that and then i end up feeling better... mainly through laughing at myself though!!

3 weeks isnt far off, battle it out until then... you can do it!!! :):)


10-02-14, 20:19
Feeling terribly agitated. No one can see it from the outside but inside I'm churning. I feel so terribly weary. This feeling follows me round all the time. It is part of me. I'm not sure l'll ever be free of it.

11-02-14, 23:16
What is your caffeine/alcohol intake like out of interest?

Also, how long since you last changed the dosage of any meds?

12-02-14, 17:48
Two cups of tea. Only decaff coffee no fizzy drinks or alcohol. About 10 weeks since med change. Still feeling pretty desperate.