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View Full Version : Bowel Rumbling & Wind, TMI

06-02-14, 19:35
For the past few days I keep getting lots of bowel rumbling and feelings of movement in my bowels aswell as wind (although I have this a lot anyway, sorry, TMI!) it's making me a little worried now though.

I am at the moment recovering from a cold/sore throat etc, so could this be a contributing factor? Also, I am due on and having brown discharge (again, sorry for TMI!).

Could both of these be causing these bowel noises/movements etc?

I am stressing because I hate any change to bowel due to toilet phobia/fear of illness.

Any ideas what could be the cause?

06-02-14, 20:03
I have this most days and just put it down to anxiety/ibs. It always got worse when I had my period though. Have you been taking medicine for your cold? Cold meds always play havoc with my digestive system (or maybe it is just the cold that does it)