View Full Version : Anyone had Cipralex with Diazepam or Propranolol?

06-02-14, 19:39
My doctor has prescribed 2mg Diazempam tablets aswell as 40mg Propranolol tablets, I'm to choose between the two which one I want to take before I go on holiday next week, she said to test them out this weekend and see which I want to use.

So does anyone have any experience with either Cipralex with Diazepam or Cipralex with Propranolol?

Can anyone tell me what to expect, what it feels like?

I'm a little concerned about feeling out of control.

Thank you

08-02-14, 23:52
the only one of those 3 i have experience with is the slow release propranolol. It's a beta blocker and the only thing it did for me was its job, ie it stopped my heart from beating fast when i was having or on the verge of a panic attack. It does nothing to stop the panic itself and has no psychological effect. The only way to explain how it feels is to say, imagine you are scared of motorways and you have the option of going on the motorway at 70pmh or 30pmh and you must pick one! Well its the same with a panic attack, your having one anyway so do you want your heart to pound at 70mph or 30mph? Propranolol will give you the 30mph but your still going to panic. That's the best summary of my experience on it i can give, hope it helps.

10-02-14, 12:43
the only one of those 3 i have experience with is the slow release propranolol. It's a beta blocker and the only thing it did for me was its job, ie it stopped my heart from beating fast when i was having or on the verge of a panic attack. It does nothing to stop the panic itself and has no psychological effect. The only way to explain how it feels is to say, imagine you are scared of motorways and you have the option of going on the motorway at 70pmh or 30pmh and you must pick one! Well its the same with a panic attack, your having one anyway so do you want your heart to pound at 70mph or 30mph? Propranolol will give you the 30mph but your still going to panic. That's the best summary of my experience on it i can give, hope it helps.

Thank you very much for that! That's a great help! I thought that's all the Propranolol would do, so I don't think it's going to be much help to me. Maybe the Diazepam is the best bet. Thanks again!

11-02-14, 14:10
I was prescribed cipralex with 2 mg diazepam to use as needed from the start. I experienced no adverse affects with the diazepam. I used it at night if I couldn't sleep because of racing thoughts or anxiety and it helped calm me down. I didn't feel drugged or anything at all, if anything just a little tired but that was it.