View Full Version : A distraction technique that has helped me ten fold....

06-02-14, 20:37
Every time I have spoken to people about my anxiety whether it be a professional or a friends, people always tell me when I have bad thoughts I have to distract myself in some way...

Yeah easier said than done right? When you have a bad thought in my head its overwhelming and I cant think of anything else...

Or so I thought...

I knew my work etc meant that I have long periods of the day on my own and thats when my anxiety was at its worst and the thoughts consume me, so I knew I had to occupy that time somehow...

A massive passion of mine is photography... now I cant go off and do some photography in the middle of work, so I headed over to itunes and downloaded some podcasts on photography and stuck them on my ipod.

Even from the first podcast I listened to I found my mind engaged with it and the worry subsided... listening to podcasts now is a big factor in my days being better... I whole heartedly recommend it