View Full Version : sick feeling

06-02-14, 21:01
anyone know how to shake the feeling of feeling sick when you're anxious? I've felt sick for 5 days. Can hardly eat and when I do I have to force it down.

feeling sick all the time is awful and I just want it to go away.

06-02-14, 21:07
You need to try meditation, I know it might sound silly but when I was like you I couldn't eat felt nauseas pain in the top of my tummy. Breathing techniques, try alternative techniques, once I tried travel sickness pill and it did help, but the second time I tried it, it never. Placebo effect?

06-02-14, 22:00
I will give the meditation a try and a travel pill could be a good idea so I'm going to try that as well.

08-02-14, 20:10
Travel pill sounds like a good idea i might try that been feeling sick for weeks.

08-02-14, 20:35
I get nausea all the time with anxiety. Try to eat little and often I used to nibble ob rich tea biscuits and that helped.

13-02-14, 18:08
can totally sympathise :( ginger tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, smelling the above in essential oil form ( they can be quite expensive but last ages)
These are all things that help when you need temporary relief but for longer term you need help controlling the anxiety itself