View Full Version : Achy legs & bleeding gums

21-11-06, 11:09
Can tiredness cause you to ache? at the moment im lucky if im getting 5 hours broken sleep a night ( i have 3 ill children) and last night i had 90 minutes all night, my daughter was up crying all night:(

Also my gums are bleeding, around the top of the 5 teeth where the gums are bleeding when I brush the gum looks abit purple, is this a touch of gum disease? ive been writing myself off already as you can imagine.

I have a blood test next week, one thing is to check for hiv just as a precaution but obviously im convincing myself that these are 2 early symptoms of it.:(

21-11-06, 11:37
Hi Jem27, don`t panic, just after I had my daughter I had similar symptoms to you. You imagine all kind of bad things, after several blood tests I was diagnosed with pernicious aneamia. I now have injections monthly which top me up and make me feel great. Tiredness in itself can make you feel extremely poorly, it can cause all sorts of problems tingling and gums bleeding. once the children are feeling better, hopefully you will too. Good luck

21-11-06, 12:08
Thanks, I do have low iron stores and im on iron tablets every day for it. I feel so tired possibly why im aching and bleeding from my gums.

21-11-06, 13:15
Jem I remember those days well hun - if the kids were ill I would get so tired from lack of kip that even my eyelashes prickled.

Try and take cat naps wherever you can for the moment and try and eat as well as poss - maybe some extra vits!!

I have had both sorts of aneamia over the years - the perncious sort is a shortage of B12 rather than iron and I too had injections for some months. Mine was purely dietary induced as in my 20's I was obviously eating crap.

I think the best favour you can do for your family is to make sure you are looking after yourself aswell as poss. Are there any members of the family that could give you a bit of help so you can have a break.

I am sure the bleeding gums will sort themselves out and it's something we all get from time to time so don't be worryin about that.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-11-06, 15:06
Thanks P,

Everytime i get bleeding gums i think leaukemia or hodgkins disease, I use to do far too much reading;)

All I know is my iron stores are 19 and should be 20 -150 ish my GP said. I am seeing my GP tomorrow so I shall mention I am really run down at the moment and mention the gums but he will say see a dentist because my full blood count was fine only 4 weeks ago so it cant be what ive been freting about.

During the day im pretty much on my own, im exhausted right now to be honest, the lack of sleep is getting to me. Tonight im not studying at all, im going to bed by 8pm, i need too.


fed up with it
25-11-06, 17:22
Hi how strange, i too have bleeding gums and i ache all over and deep inside my muscles and body, i have a iron store level of 5 and my iron hemogolibin in 9? probably why i feel so ill?

carol xx